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Evangeline Mech:

I was in the briefing room along woth Otacross and Professor Oozora because I was told by Takuya to stay here and help. Yeah right. As if they need me to do this.

Then, Cobra's face came up on the screen. "Otacross, aren't you done with the evasion program?!" He asked/yelled.

"Be patient." Came the reply. "Even with the two of us, it's not that simple to complete!"

Oh sure, ignore me. I scowled. Then again, I guess it's a good thing he isn't going all crazy-eyes.

"Don't bother us!" Professor Oozora snapped. "It's hard to concentrate!"

Cobra was taken back. "Uhm. My bad." And he cut off the line.

Since they didn't really need me, I left and went back to my seat in the cockpit. Jin was next to me.

"What's wrong? They kicked you out?" He asked jokingly.

"Hardly." I said shrugging. "They barely noticed I was there. So i might as well make myself scarce."

Then, Takuya ordered us to buckle up. So we're already withing attack range? That was fast.

I held on to my seat as the Duck Shuttle flew around, dodging the anti-aircraft missles. Then, Prof. Oozora and Otacross ran across the cockpit and installed he evasion program on Metamo. After that, everything just went by in a whirlwind as we dodged all the incoming lasers.

There was an explosion and it made me clear my head. Ikaros Zero, Ikaros Force and the newly rebuild Minerva Kai have created a door for us to head through.

Soon enough, after the Duck Shuttle docked in the hangar, Ban, Hiro and Ran came in.

"I knew you'd pull through." Kazu praised.

"It's only thanks to our LBXs." Ban stated.

Asuka came over to them. "Hiro, your prize is this tomato juice." She handed him one.

"Uhm... T-thank you...?" Hiro said.

Then Otacross called in. "All of you, pay attention to this."

The screen changed to a map. "There are Paradise's blueprints?" Jin asked.

"Adam and Eve's control room is located here." An arrow pointed at the center of the schematics.

"It's in the dead center." Ami stated.

"The only way to get to the control room is to stop the four amplifiers and use the elevator system." Otacross explained as four parts of the map glowed yellow, showing the amplifiers. "But there's just one problem. In order to stop the amplifiers, we have to get rid of the devices that control them. However, those devices are surrounded by lasers that humans can't get past."

"So that means we'll have to use LBXs." Yuuya stated.

Otacross' face reappeared. "Exactly. We don't have much time, so you'll break up into four teams and destroy them all at once."



We all put on our astronaut suits and headed out into Paradise. We jumped off the Duck Shuttle and drifted down slowly to the metal floor of the spatial military base. Professor Oozora opened the hangar door and we went in. Once in, the air is suitable enough to breathe so we took off our suits. One hour left until Paradise is recharged. Better hurry.

We ran into a series of corridors and let the professors lead the way. We ran through corners and hallways until we were stopped by the Omega Dain duo.

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