Detector 2

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Kaidou Jin:

We've finished our battle against Sendou and snapped him back to reality. Then we head into the Duck Shuttle while Mano brought Sendou into Eclipse.

Eva sent us a recording and we saw that Ban and Hiro were in the Ocean Museum battling Kojou Asuka who was a Slave Player.

"So that's Kojou Asuka's Vampire Cat." I heard Eva mutter at the other end of the screen. I forgot she wasn't at this year's Artemis tournament.

The rest of us head in as well and soon, we saw Ban, Hiro and Eva along with Asuka and Kazuya. Asuka was freed, while Kazuya was using the Slave Player collar.

"Kazu...!" Ami exclaimed.

"So you've become a Slave Player." I muttered.

"No, he was the one that saved Asuka." Ban said.

We were all confused and it was all silent until footsteps can be heard. Detector showed up from the shadows and he stopped right in front of us.

"Detector!" Ban exclaimed.

"It's me, Ban." Detector said in an all-too-familiar voice. He took off his mask to reveal that he was Professor Yamano himself.

"Professor Yamano?" Yagami exclaimed in surprise.

"D-Dad... What's going on?!" Ban asked in a desperate and angry tone.

"Detector's true identity is your father, Professor Yamano Junichirou." Kazuya said as he took off the collar.

"Kazu, weren't you a slave player?" Ami asked.

"At one point." He replied. "But in an accidednt, my collar came loose and i came to my senses. When that happened, I knew what Professor Yamano was trying to do."

"If I had told Ami, Kazu and the other Slave Players the truth, they might have willingly cooperated with me," Professor started. "But if i did that, they'd become accomplies to terror. Of course the enslavement of people is something that should never be allowed, i understand that well. I'm sorry."

Ban glared at the floor. "Dad, what are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to bring an end to a certain organization's plan to take over the world." He stated. "If we don't stop them, we'll find ourselves in another world war."

"Professor, that organization couldn't be..." Yagami trailed.

"Correct. It's the LBX administrative organization, Omega Dain." He replied.

"But how are they going to take over the world?" Ami asked.

"They plan on using Paradise." Professor replied.

"Paradise..." Eva muttered. "The place where the brainjacking and the command computers were..."

"Exactly." He said. "In order to alert you about it, i brainjacked the computers that had a connection to the satelite and let LBXs rampage."

"But Professor, Paradise is a communication satelite." I interrupted. "It can't help take the world over."

"Paradise isn't a typical communication satelite." Eva stated. "It's also a spatial military base."

"A spatial military base?!" Hiro exclaimed.

"Soon, a space contribution on the outskirts of Canberrun is going to launch a new communication unit to Paradise. However, it's actually not a communication unit. It's a weapon called Set 50, a multi-megaton missle. So that's why I brainjacked Canberrun. By creating chaos among the city, and blocking transactions, along with its transportation routes, I could prevent Set 50 from being launch to Paradise." We all stared at him with grief and a slight mixture of anger and shock.

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