Forming A Plan

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Evangeline Mech:

We're now at Tiny Orbit, discussing things with Takuya and Yagami while Mano and the other two are trying to find out more about the Fairytale Project.

"Micro-sized megaton bombs, Acorns?" Takuya asked. "Are you sure they said that?"

"Yes. No doubt about it." Ban replied.

"I can't believe tiny bombs could have the power of megatons." Yagami said.

"What are the Innovators trying to do with those?" Takuya wondered aloud.

Then Ban got a meesage. "It's from Lex."

"Hiyama?" Takuya asked.

"Yes." Ban started reading the text out loud. "'I know what the Innovators' final motive is. They want to destroy Tyrant Press and send the world into an energy crisis. Then they'll use the Eternal Cycler to control the world.'"

"Control the world?!" Kazuya repeated.

"What's this Tyrant Press?" Ban asked.

Since Yagami and Takuya seem a little hesitant to answer, i did it for them. "It's the world's largest energy plant made on an artificial island. It supplies energy all around the world and is also known as the world's heart. If it gets destroyed, the world will find itself in a deep energy crisis. Then they'll bring out the Eternal Cycler to monopolyze the world's energy and control the world itself."

Everyone looked at me in shock and I laughed sheepishly. "I may have... Sort of... Kind of... Hacked into a couple of Innovators Lab Systems out of curiousity. They've got so many classified files. It's kind of weird."

"So that's how you know so much..." I heard Jin mutter under his breath.

"Eh?" Ami suddenly said. "But then, why did they give us back the sample for the Eternal Cycler?"

"That's true..." Takuya said. "And Tyrant Press is the world's lifeline. It's protected 24/7 by the world's top level development system. The Innovators surely know that, but..."

Kazuya faced me with a questioning look and i glared at him in return. "Hey, just because i know some things, doesn't mean I know everything!"

He laughed slightly. "Sorry..."

"I did it!" Mano shouted.

"A satelite image of the Innovator Research Lab!" Yagami exclaimed.

"Look at this part." Mano zoomed in on the center.

"What's that? A missle?" Takuya asked.

A hologram popped up, showing the blueprints for the rocket. "It's called Saturn." Mano said.

"Saturn?" Takuya repeated.

I looked closer. "Hey Jin, what are those?" I asked, pointing to somekind of manufactoring line.

He widen his eyes. "Here?" He said pointing.

"I'll magnify it." Mano said.

It zoomed in again and we can clearly see some kind of LBX being loaded into the rocket.

"Why are there so many LBXs?" Kazuya asked.

"And why do they all look like my Dreamer?!" I exclaimed.

"They finished it?" Jin muttered.

"You know what those are?" Takuya asked.

"Automatic operation LBXs, Fairy." Jin explained. "It's completely automatic, with learning capabilities. The V-Mode in the AX-00 was a test program for Fairy. The Kaiser model we saw in Goliath was probably a test program too."

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