Nikolai Yezerverk

394 6 3

AWESOME! The Kenbishi Siblings are back!

We just finished class and now, cause of a 30 minute break, we stayed in the classroom.

"Hey! So you're gonna be a mechanic again or a player?" I asked Hannah.

She shrugged. "Mechanic I guess."

"Why don't you battle? you're a great player." Mikhail stated.

She shrugged again. "I'm better at fixing things. Besides, those so called skills was just out of dumb luck."

"Dumb luck?!" I asked surprised. "You took down 4 Ezeldarm members wothout breaking a sweat!"

"That was out of pure hatred and revenge. I don't EVER want to battle like that again." She said, shaking her head.

"But it's no doubt that you have potential in battle." Muraku stated. "Even without that anger and hatred after defeating Charlotte Rain."

"That's the one that made be LOST right?" Wataru asked. Hannah nodded at him and ruffled his hair.

"I hate that bi-"

"Niko-kun, language!" I got a glare from Hannah.

Wataru blinked in confusion. "What was he going to-"

"We won't talk about that until you're 13." Hannah said sternly.

"That's 4 months from now..." Wataru said. "Okay, nevermind then. I'll probably forget by then."

'It is now the scheduled time. The Second World will now activate. War Time starts in 15 minutes. All players, prepare for battle.'

"This is gonna be sweet." I hopped off my desk and we all head for our control pods. Mechanics went to their positions in the navigation room.

"Trust me, you'll both love this." I told Hannah and Wataru.

'5... 4... 3... 2... 1... War time, begin.'

"That's our cue." I pushed on the controls and rocketted out of the bunker.

So it's the arctic this time? Like Angel Peace.

"Whoa! The whole diorama turned into a snowy area!" Wataru exclaimed. "And it's awesome that we get to use our own LBXs this time!"

"What's yours called?" I asked Wataru.

"It's an Odin nee-chan costumized for me!" Wataru exclaimed. "Odin EX."

"What does it stand for?" I asked.

"Extreme eXperience." Hannah's voice replied.

". . . Did you just tried to pun me?"

"No- well sort of... But it is what it stands for."

"...Alright then."

Instead of battling in war, we now face obstacle courses and also racing. Okay, maybe we also battle during those times, but at least it won't decided the fate of a country!


"That. Was. Amazing!" Wataru exclaimed. He ran up to Hannah with a smile.

"You should have been there nee-chan! It was so amazing! There were ramps, bridges, cliffs, slippery ice, icy water that nearly froze our LBXs and hailing meteors and falling trees, and... And..." He started panting. ". . . and I need to breathe..."

Hannah patted his head. "I saw the whole thing. You did great."

"I meant that you should have battled too!" Wataru said excitedly. "You'll love it!"

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