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Evangeline Mech:

When i woke up, i found myself on Jin's bed. There was the sound of water running so i figured he was taking a shower. I went to my room and did the same. When I'm done changing, i heard a knock on the door.

"Coming!" I went to the door and opened it. Once i did, i saw Jin standing there.

"We're going to train for Artemis." He said. "It starts next week." So i followed him to the battle arena.

We battled multiple times throughout the week and on the last day, our LBXs were taken for maintenance.

Jin and I are talking in his room. I was eating a box of Pocky on the couch and he was sitting next to me, looking through the info on my tablet.

"Are these all of the people competing in the tournament?" He asked.

"Yup." I mumbled, with a pocky sticking out. "The only ones to worry about are Ban and his friends. The rest aren't that strong compared to you."

"Seems so..." He replied.

"Hey Jin."


"Can I enter too? I haven't had enough fun lately..."

". . . I don't see why not."

Yes! I pumped up my fist.

The next day, we took the high road to the Artemis tournament. As the jet soar above the stadium, Jin and I jumped off and landed square on the ground.

We faced Ban and his friends plus someone else that doesn't really look familiar. After signing up as a team, Jin and I went to look around for a bit.

Inside, we watched Ban and his friends talking from afar. When we turned to leave, we found that same guy again looking at us. Then two other guys came up behind him. "So this is where you were, Haibara Yuuya." "Don't wander off on your own." They said to him. Then they took him away.

"Haibara Yuuya?" Jin muttered.

I blinked. Have I seen him somewhere before?

"It's time for the opening ceremony to start!" I covered my ears.

"Ugh, does he really have to shout? He's wearing an ear-peice for crying out loud." I groaned.

Jin rolled his eyes and dragged me to the stadium. "He's an MC, what did you expect?"

"True..." After the MC explain things about the fortified cardboard and LBXs, he called up all the competetors.

Evryone's teams were all divided into 5 blocks. Each finalist will move to the final round. Jin and I were in A Block along with Gouda and Lex.

The A Block got called up to the stage. Jin and I were facing 3 guys from who-knows-where. We were on standby at the moment.

"Hey Jin."


"If you don't mind, I'll finish these guys on my own. That way, it'll be easier for you to move on for the finals."

"... Do as you wish. Just don't waste our time."

"You got it." I opened up my CCM.

"Ready...!" The MC said. "Battle Start!"

Like I promised, i wasted no time at all. "Dreamer!" With one attack from the dual blade-staff, i eliminated the competition easy.

We moved through the rounds fairly quickly, though in the semi-finals of the A Block, we were up against Lex and Gouda.

"This time, I'll take the lead." Jin said. I nodded in agreement.

"Battle Start!"

Gouda's Hakai-O attacked first. It aimed for Jin. I took the chance to back away.

Emperor M2 jumped back and instantly used a hissatsu. "Hissatsu Function!"

"Attack Function, Impact Kaiser."

The attack was aimed directly at Lex's G.Rex, though it somehow manage to block it. Jin got caught of guard and Gouda took this chance to attack.

"Hissatsu Function!"

"Attack Function, Gao Cannon."

Using the costum missle-equipped staff, he launched them and blocked the impact of the hissatsu. G.Rex came from above.

"Hissatsu Function!"

"Attack Function, Gatling Bullet."

Emperor M2 was thrown off the ground but Jin used this as an advantage and used the missles to fire at G.Rex. Hakai-O got in the way and its sword started to crack. Then, I started attacking.

Dreamer leapt up from behind Emperor M2, and using the dual blade-staff, i snapped the sword in half. Dreamer hit Hakai-O with the staff again and sent it flying.

"Hakai-O, breakover!" The MC yelled.

When i turned to face Lex, he was already prepared to launch an attack and Dreamer raised up her defenses. But then, G.Rex stopped and jumped back. I think Jin noticed it too but we took the chance to launch a combo attack. Emperor M2 released more missles and after it weakened G.Rex, i used my hissatsu.

"Hissatsu Function!"

"Attack Function, Infinite Blade."

Dreamer twirled the dual blade-staff, making it look like a shuriken and threw it at G.Rex, causing an explosion while slicing its front part.

I looked at Jin and he narrowed his eyes. We were both thinking the same thing. It was too easy.

"Why?" I asked Lex. "Why did you stop your attacks? If you had continued then Dreamer would've surely been defeated."

"Stop our attack?!" Gouda said. Obviously he felt insulted.

"Gouda." Lex called. Then he faced us. "What are you saying? Are you trying to say I lost on purpose? You were stronger, that's all. By quite a bit." Then he left.

We both left as well and we waited dor the finals of the A Block to start.

"I have a really bad feeling about him." I said.

"Yeah..." Jin replied. "I know what you mean."

"He just seem so... Dark. It's not normal." I said.

"That'll depend on what you mean by 'normal'."

"True." I shook my head. "In the next one, we'll be facing a bunch of chumps. I'll handle them."

"Knock yourself out."

The final round was over as soon as it started. With just one swing of the dual blade-staff, I defeated the opponet's LBXs.

After that, we watched the rest of the tournament go on.

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