Future Hope 3

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Kaidou Jin:

"Ban! Sorry we're late!" Hiro called out once we reached the bridge. Ban, Ami and Kazu were battling the Killer Droid from Brittania Tower.

I looked up at the man on the other side of the dome and barely gasped. "Lex?!"

"What's that?!" Asuka asked.

"It's a Killer Droid." Jessica told her.

"That thing?!"

I think it noticed our LBXs 'cause it expanded the dome. "We got trapped in Killer Droid's field."

"If that recognizes an LBX, it'll capture and destroy it." Jessica stated.

"We're fighting with something like that?!" Asuka freaked.

"We have no choice!" Kazu stated.

As Ban, Hiro and Ran tried to fuse, the Killer Droid stopped them from doing so by keeping the seperated. Jessica and I had made a point on covering them and so did the others.

"Guys, aim for the cords at its feet. If you attack those, its movements get dull." Kazu told us.

"Roger!" The rest of us confirmed.

We started attacking the cords and it was wroking. The Killer Droid was practically immoblized.

"Focus all your attacks together!" I told them.

"Here we go!" Eva and Ami shouted.

As the rest used far ranged shots, Yuuya, Eva and I sticked to close range and manage to scratched the wires with our own artillery. That was when Sigma Orbis had fused and we destroyed the Kilelr Droid.

The diorama disappeared and we faced Lex. He was smiling down on us while we stared at him.

"Lex, it's your loss!" Ban stated.

"We will meet again." He said in a hoarse voice. Then he disappeared into a passage way. Ban went after him, but was stopped by his father, saying Paradise is more important.

Ban went to the panel and was about to hack it using Elysion but was stopped by Professor Oozora, who had just entered the scene. "If a foreign influence attempts to modify Future Hope's controls, the systems will go into lockdown mode." She explained.

"Mom!" Hiro greeted her.

She faced Professor Yamano. "I am Oozora Haruka. I was requested by Omega Dain to develop Adam and Eve, AI programs that were equipped on Paradise."

"So you are Professor Oozora, the creator of the world famous arteficial intelligences?" Professor Yamano praised.

"Professor Yamano, not so long ago, I shut Adam and Eve's functions down." She explained. "If we take Paradise's controls here, we should be able to cease all of its military functions."

"Why did you throw away the precious fruits of your production?" Professor Yamano asked.

"Hiro helped me realize the error of my ways." She stated. "I was a fool to let that man use me, thinking I could research all I wanted."

"That man?" Professor Yamano asked.


Kazama Kirito:

"So we're really doing this? Blackmailing Mr. Worthen?" She kept asking me, as we walked through the halls of Omega Dain.

I ignored her considering she already knows the answer. This is so I can complete Cylops AI as soon as possible...

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