Killer Droid

446 14 3

Evangeline Mech:

When I first saw them, I was so excited! Ban had totally changed! From his hair to his clothing, or maybe his hair was just longer. Yuuya was different too. Last time I saw him was at 2050's Artemis tournament. He have a pony tail now. Other than that, his hair didn't really change, but his personality sure has! What suprised me most was Jin. His hair was slightly longer than last year and his clothing changed to bright-colored casual clothing, rather than his old line of formal attire. It actually suits him.

But now, fun time has been cut short, because of the Brainjack.

45 minutes left. Come on, come on. We need to stop Detector. "I wish I can just hack into the systems to get us there faster but coutries have laws so..." I muttered to myself, sighing.

"Not everything can be fixed by hacking Eva." Jin reminded me.

"I know." I replied, sighing again.

"Aren't we there yet?" Ran complained. Then the train stopped moving and the lights went off.

"Did it break down?" Ban asked. Then he contacted Jessica. Lucky enough, their train was still moving so they can get there first.

Oh. Joy. I sarcastically thought to myself.


It's been about 15-20 minutes now and the train still isn't moving.

"Honestly, how long does it have to take before this thing moves?!" Ran complained.

"Jessica and the others should have contacted us by now." Jin said.

"Maybe their battling." I said. "There might be that Kazama Kirito guy i heard about."

"Maybe so." Jin replied.

Ban kept trying to reach either Jessica, Hiro or Yuuya but to no avail. "Nope, it won't connect."

"Something might have happened to Hiro and the others." Jin said.

"Jin, try not to give me bad images in my brain." I said shaking my head.

"Sorry." He muttered.

Then the lights went on and the train started moving suddenly.

"We're moving..." Ban said.

"We've got about 20 minutes left until noon." I said, checking the time on my CCM.

When we reached our destination, we ran out of the train and used the elevator to get up to the top of the tower.

10 minutes... When we reached the top of the tower we saw an energy dome blocking the stairs to the computer.

A D-egg? I quentioned myself.

Ban went around it and we followed to see a boy passed out by another diorama. "Keita."

"Morigami Keita was made into a slave player." Jin muttered aloud.

"But if he's out here... Who's in there?" I asked.

Ban started scanning to room for the commanding computer. "It's up there." He pointed to a large machine thing at the top of the stairs.

Then we heard gunfire. "Something's up there!" Jin exclaimed.

Then, the dome disapeared and we could see Hiro and the others again.

"Hiro, Yuuya, Jessica." Ran called out smiling.

"I'm glad you're all safe." Ban said. Then he turned to the boy they were fighting. "Kazama Kirito, why are you here?" Wow, I was right. He really did show up.

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