Taken Over

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((I'm gonna try something different this time...))

Soon after the soldiers of Jenock got back to class, they heard an explosion.

"Must be a recon-copter from the mainland..." Nikolai muttered. "Damn, if only I could contact my father..."

Haruki and Yuno came back and they brought food with them. It would mean that the students are hostages. They each waited on their own chairs respectively and thought about the recent events, until the speaker suddenly turned on with Seredy's voice coming from it.

"Students of Kamui Daimon Comprehensive Academy. It's Seredy Kreisler. I've appointed myself as the new headmaster of this academy. I hope I can do a good job."


In the now ex-headmaster's office...

"I'm not giving this seat up to you." Ex-headmaster, Josephine shrugged.

"I swear, the nerve of this guy..." Niara muttered from one side of the table.

"Seredy?" Jin asked quietly.

"No. That guy." She replied in annoyance, pointing at Josephine with her thumb.

"You all must want to know what we World Sabers are up to now." Seredy's voice came from the broadcasting room. "Our goal is to show every citizen the reality of the Second World. We will show them the faults of the Experiment Realism Project and correct all the hypocritical errors that Prime Minister Tougou Gi'ichi and its other creators made. How will we do that, you ask?"

"It is now the scheduled time. The Second World will now activate."

"Beghining at 3pm today, we will permanently put the Second World on a 24-hour schedule and War Time will no longer run on its regular schedule. The school will be operated how I see fit."


Back at the class...

"What did he say?" Cathrine said in disbelief.

"If he does that, then we won't be able to perform maintenance on the LBXs." Sakuya stated.

"24/7..." Hikaru muttered. "Their forcing a constant state of tension on us."

"Seredy..." Arata muttered under his breath.


"This has become quite the situation..." Josephine muttered. "The professor's life..." That caught all three teachers' attention. "He is a crucial part of the hardware that operates the Second World. I can't even begin to imagine the burden that this will place on his body. This is why we had to limit the War Time to two hours per day..."

"Then if is was activated for 24 hours..." Jin started. "It would be extremely dangerous."

"Seredy Kreisler..." Niara muttered with venom in her tone. "How horrible..."


"Please look forward to War Time." Seredy said. "Also, if any of you would like to join Ezeldarm now, feel free to contact me. We are ready to accept anyone who shares the same views as us. You will have until noon tomorrow to think about this offer. I'll be waiting."

"Stop messing with us!" Arata yelled.

"Who'd even think of doing that?" "Right?" "No way!" Different replies are echoing through the classrom. All with one meaing. 'No'. But surprising as it seems, there was one who considered about the offer.

"That's right! I had one more thing to say." Seredy voiced out again. "Sena Arata. I'd like to have a talk with you. Come to Jenock's control room at once."

"Why only Arata?" Sakuya asked.

"You shouldn't go. It has to be a trap." Yuno stated.

"He might be trying to recruit me again..." Arata muttered.

"Arata can use the Overload." Haruki stated. "Of course they'd want him with them." Behind him, Muraku was thinking the exact same thing.

"I'll go check it out." Arata stated. "Of course I won't let them have me. I mean, we might find something out. It's alright. I'll be back." Then he walked away.

"Wait, Arata! Arata!" Yuno called. But it was too late, he already disappeared out the door. She then turned back to the rest of the class. "Are you really okay with this? You're just going to let him go?"

Haruki stood up. "Hikaru. Come on. We have to protect him."

"But how do we get out of here?" Hikaru asked.

"I have a plan." Haruki replied.

Then, Muraku stood up. "I'll come too."

Hannah's ears perked up. She immediately reached for her CCM, or in this case PDA, and placed it on the table with a thud, earning everyone's attention. She ignored them and pressed a few keys on her PDA when suddenly the screen shot out. A map of the school apperead and after she tapped a few more buttons, the map showed arrows going through narrow spaces. She looked up at Muraku. "Can I borrow your PDA?"

He nodded and handed it over to her. With a swipe of her finger, all the data from her PDA was transfered to Muraku's. He took a quick look at it. "The ducts, huh?"

"Not a bad idea." Nikolai pipped up. "Smart one, Hannah." Hannah nodded and continued to do things to her LBX.

After that they set their plan to work. Yuno went out and told the guard that Haruki's got a headache and that she's going to take him to the school clinic. When they got there, Haruki opened the trolley's cabinets with Hikaru and Muraku inside and they proceeded through the ducts.

Through a grate, Haruki peeked out and found guards on duty. Then he led the other two through the ducts.

"Exactly how much does Rossius know about this school?" Hikaru asked the ex-Rossius member behind him.

"The dignity and life of our country hangs on our battles in the Second World." Muraku replied. "We need to know as much as we can."

"How did Hannah get her hands on the map to the ducts though?" Haruki asked.

Muraku stayed silent before replying. "Not a lot of people know about her nor her skills, so even I am not too sure..."

"That's a first." Hikaru commented.

Haruki stopped. "There's a fork here. Which way do we go?"

Muraku glanced at his PDA. "Right. After that, make a left. That's where we enter the control room area."

Haruki went and led on. "No matter how Seredy twists it, it's clear that he's trying to use the Second World to rule the real world. We have to stop him!"

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