The Grand Sphere 2

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Kaidou Jin:

"Prometeus and Cyber Lance can prepare 200 and 350 untis respectively." Rina stated.

"No good. It's still not enough!" Takuya said.

"The OPG terminals needed to create the Grand Sphere..." Cobra trailled. "We need 1,000 LBXs to keep them up."

"And to protect those 1,000 LBXs, we need aproximately 10,000 more LBXs." Kirishima stated.

Then, Ban went over to where Otacross was sitting. "Otacross."

"What is it?" The hacker asked.

"Can you temporarily hijack all of the Infinity Net from here?"

"Come again?"

"I want to call out to the people of the world."

After staring at him for a while, Otacross agreed and did as he was told. Ban went over to the holographic screen. "LBX players of the world! My name is Yamano Ban. Please listen carefully to what I have to say. Tokio City is currently under grave danger. Mizel is trying to use his immense power to destroy the city... While using our beloved LBXs to do it! If we leave things be, LBXs will become demons of destruction for mankind. I can't let that happen!"

Then, Hiro joined in. "People of the world, my name is Oozora Hiro. We want to defeat Mizel and turn LBXs back into things that gives us dreams and happiness! Because LBXs are our precious friends!"

"Come to Tokio City and lend us your help! We need as many LBXs as possible!" Ban pleaded. "If we don't stop Mizel now, then the entire world might eventually get destroyed like Tokio Coty was! Please, everyone who loves LBX, lend us your strenght!" Then the screen turned back to Mizel Trouzer.

"That's as mich as I can do." Otacross murmured.

"Thank you, Otacross." Ban said.

"I wonder if our feelings reached them." Hiro muttered.


Niara Levanov:

The next morning, when we went to the Seeker Base, we saw there was a bunch of people gathering outside on the big screen.

"Amazing!" Hiro exclaimed.

"Our message went through!" Ran stated.

"Billy made it!" Jessica cheered.

"Alice and Shirley!" Yuuya called.

"Otagold and Otasilver!" Ran said.

"Head hunter Gatou!" Ami said.

"Even Kamiya Kousuke?" Kazu asked.

"The Geek Street Boys!" Hiro called. "Gojou-san!"

"The Alexander Sisters!" Asuka cheered.

"Everyone that's here believe in the future LBXs can bring!" Hiro exclaimed.

Then, the President of Country A and the Prime Minister of our country called in. "Reporting in. LBX players from all over the world are travelling to your location right now via helicopter."

"Those who took your message to heart helped moved the governments if the world." The president stated. "Not egen those who were against the Mizel counterplan coukd ignore their voices, it seems."

"The numbers of players assembeling at Tiny Orbit are expected to exceed 10,000." The Prime Minister said.

"That means...!" Ran grinned.

"We have enough people to execute the Grand Sphere." Kirishima stated.

"Sweet!" I cheered.


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