Rescue Mission

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Kaidou Jin:

We soon arrived at Kamiya Craft's manufactoring plant, Goliath and a security guard was checking our car. Evangeline, Ban and I are hiding in the back seat.

"I'm Dr. Kaidou's butler." He said to the security guard.

". . . You can pass." He replied and we drove on as the three of us emerge from our hiding spot.

"Sorry." I apologized. It was only natural.

"I'm your butler, Young Master." He said.

"Thank you." I said smiling slightly.


We walked through the corridors and started looking around for any signs of Kazuya and the others. I was leading the way with Evangeline walking hand in hand with me and Ban right behind us.

"Jin." Ban asked. "Why did Kaidou Yoshimitsu turned into an android?"

". . . All I know is, a terrible plan has been forming while we... while I wasn't looking." I said. I take responsibility for everything that has happened to Evangeline and I. I got her caught up in this, so I'm going to get her out.

Then a door opened and my grandfather- no... that android came out.

He faced us. "What are you doing here?"

"Kaidou!" Ban said. Evangeline tightened her grip as well.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. When he didn't reply, I knew I shouldn't waste my time. "No use. Then I'll go find them myself."

"You won't get past here." He said. An LBX appeared and we took out or own.




I faced Evangeline. "Don't join in. You're hardly at 100% since we took down that tank." She nodded and stepped back with her data-pad in hand.

We started the attack first. We were pushing it back until...

"It's moving faster and faster!" Ban said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's the AI!" Evangeline said suddenly. "The Artificial Intelegence in that LBX has been analyzing your movements from the start! If you keep this up then..."

"Ban, finish this in one blow!" I said.

"Yeah!" He replied.

We tried again and again to land a blow at Kaiser but it keeps dodging. Then, Kaiser started to use a counter attack and it hits us everytime.

"Damn it!" Ban cursed aloud.

"He's analyzed our movements." I commented.

"Your possibility of winning is 0%!" The android said.

"That's not true!" Ban protested.

We attacked again and again but we could never hit Kaiser. Odin however, managed to hit Kaiser thanks to Ban's feelings.

"Extreme Mode."

Ban's CCM transformed and Odin glowed gold with power. He land hits on Kaiser until it was weakened essentially.

"Attack Function, Gungnir."

Odin blasted Kaiser upwards, and it scratched that android's face. Wires started sparking and he held out a hand towards me. "Jin... Jin..." Then he shut down. Somehow, breathing started to become a hard thing to do for me. I took a deep breath and walked forward, past the android.

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