Chapter 1: Why me???

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*Rose's POV*

"Rose, can you come here please?" I hear my mom call for me. I walk downstairs and walk up to my mom. I tap her on the shoulder indicating that I was here. 

"Can you go to the store for me? We need milk, bread, fruit, and veggies. Here's some money for the store." I nod, write down the items, and take the money. I put on my shoes and I grab my keys, phone, and jacket and go to my car. I get in and drive to the store.

Since the store is about 10 minutes away I get there in no time. I get a basket and go down the isles and grab what I need. Once I'm done I check out the items and get back in the car. I drive back home and once I get home I drop the bags off in the kitchen and walk over to mom. I tap her on the shoulder again and point to the kitchen. She smiles and mumbles a 'thanks' and I nod.

I go back upstairs and turn on some music. I start dancing around my room. After a while, I feel someone watching me. I look out my window and see someone in a black hoodie looking at me. I was getting a little freaked out so I close my blinds and lock my window. I go downstairs and make myself a sandwich. I slowly eat it wondering about the guy in the black hoodie.

'Why was he watching me? Is he a stalker? Don't be ridiculous Rose, he probably just saw you dancing.' Thoughts fill my head like a disease. I hear tiny footsteps and I look to see my sister. I wave at her and continue eating.

"Hey Rose, can you make me a sandwich please?" I nod and make her a sandwich. I make another sandwich for Isaac just in case. I hear him coming down and I see him heading towards me. I hand him his sandwich and he eats it.

"Hey Rose can you drive me to Jake's house? He's my friend. Please?" I nod and grab my keys. Isaac goes and gets ready. After he gets ready we head to the car. The car ride consisted of him talking and us listening to music. I get to his friends' house and walk him to the door. A nice looking woman opens the door.

"Hi I'm Isaac, Jake's friend and this is my sister Rose." He points to me and I smile and wave. She smiles back and introduced herself as Maria.

"Hi Isaac, Jake is upstairs. why don't you go play with him." He runs upstairs and Maria invites me in for some tea. "So tell me about you. What do you like to do? Just the normal stuff." I grab my notepad and write 'Well I'm mute, I like to dance and play with my brother and sister. I hate spiders, heights, and small spaces. Oh, and I love your outfit.' She reads over it and smiles.

"Thank you, I love your outfit too. Why are you mute if you don't mind me asking." I freeze and I take a deep breath while thinking of a way to put it.

'I watched my boyfriend get murdered by a group of guys' I scribble down. She reads over it and frowns. She looks at me sympathetically and gives me a hug.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Do you need anything else before you leave?" She asks me realizing me from her iron grip.

'Where are your bathrooms?' I write down quickly.

"Down that hall, 3rd door on the left." I nod and follow her instructions. I do my business and leave the bathroom. As I walk back and look for Maria. When I find her I wave goodbye and leave the house.

I drive back to the house and when I get home I go straight to my room. I look at the time, 4:47 p.m. I close my door and lay on my bed. I close my eyes and let sleep take over.

I wake up to the wind blowing into my room. 'Wait didn't I lock that today? Why is it open?' I get up, close it, and lock it. I look at the time, 8:24 p.m. 'wow I must've been tired.' I thought to myself as I walk downstairs. All the lights were off so that meant either no one's home or the power went out. I look around and see that no one is here. I make myself some pizza. After its done, I wait for it to cool down and eat it. I hear a knock at the door and I grab my whiteboard. I open the door to see a guy about my age with curly blonde hair.

"Can I come in? My car broke down and it won't start back up." He pleads with me. I nod and let him in. He smiles and walks in. I go and make some tea. I bring it back and hand him a cup. He takes after saying thanks. I nod and sit down.

'Do you need anything else? Oh if you're wondering I'm mute.' I ask/explain to him.

"No, but thanks for asking. Why are you mute?" He asks me and I feel a lump in my throat. I try to swallow it down.

'I saw someone I loved very much getting murdered.' I scribble down. He reads over it and nods.

"Sorry for your lose. Who was it? I don't mean to pry..." He seemed interested. "Oh, and my name is Ashton by the way." He adds quickly.

'my name is Rose and he was my boyfriend.' His face seemed to soften almost as if he went through the same thing.

"That must have been devastating for you. I know how you feel my girlfriend was murdered by a burglar." He seemed so sad. I poked his cheek and him giggles. Yes giggles, not chuckles like a normal guy, but giggles. I smile at him and he smiles back at me. He looks at his watch and a gasp escapes his lips.

"I have to go, I already called my friend to come to pick me up. He should be here any minute. Thanks for letting me stay for a while." He rambles and I put my finger on his mouth and silenced him. I walk him to the door and as he walks out I wave. He waves back and his friend drives up next to him. They have a conversation and every once in a while they point at me.

I close the door and lock it. I go to every window and lock them like usual. I hear a crash and I jump. 'What was that.' I thought to myself as I run to my room. I get into my room and lock the door. I hear footsteps coming towards my door. I run to my closet ignoring my fear and hide inside it. I hear my door slam open and I jump. I hear slow footsteps walk around my room and near the closest. My breath catches in my throat as I hear the doorknob jiggle around. The door flies open and I gasp. The man had a black hoodie and a mask on. He grabs my arm and I struggle against him. He slaps my face so hard that my head flies to the side and hits the wall. My vision becomes blurry and as I pass out, all I could think about was Why Me?

A/N: what do you think happened? How do you like the story so far? I hope you like it. Well, I gotta go I have school tomorrow and it's 11 right now. BYE!!!

Kidnapped by 5sos// Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now