Chapter 10: Another Attempt.

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*Rose's POV* (three days later)

I wake up in the basement for the third time in a row. I really want to get out of this dark room, because I never know if anyone is in here until they say something. They chained my leg to the bed while I was sleeping so I can't even move from my spot, which leaves me bored.

The door groans as someone opens it and I instantly shut my eyes. They haven't come down here since two days ago when they first put me in here. I open my eyes to see Naomi?!? I gasp as she runs over to me and unlocks the chain, helping me up.

"We're escaping right now. I stole the key from Calum yesterday and they're gone so this is our perfect time to leave." She explains as we run out of the house. I can't believe that we're trying Another Attempt at running away.

"Come on let's go somewhere we haven't tried going to each time we try to escape." She says going off in a different direction than we normally go. I follow her and we reach a wooded area. She runs into it and I follow after her, ignoring the pain of my bare feet stepping on sticks and stones.

"We're almost there, I can feel it." She says as we run further into the woods. After a few minutes, we reach an old cabin in the middle of a field. She runs inside and I look around, making sure no one was following us before running into the cabin.

"Isn't this amazing? This used to be my great-great grandparent's cabin when they were little. My parents made a few modifications like putting a bathroom, electricity, and a usable kitchen in here. They were supposed to give this to me next year." She explains and I nod looking at the pictures on the wall which were faded and starting to decay.

I look in the bedroom to see two beds on each side of the room, more pictures on the walls, a dresser next to each bed, and the sheets on each bed were made. I walk into the bathroom and notice that it didn't look anything like the rest of the house. It had a sink with a shiny faucet, a shower with a glass curtain(or whatever you call it), a toilet, and tiles while the rest of the house had wood everywhere.

"You will be sleeping on this bed and I will be sleeping on that one." She says as I walk up to her. I nod and sit down on the bed I was assigned to. We close all the curtains in the rooms because we didn't want anyone to know we were here. I sit down on the dusty couch and sneeze as all the dust rises up.

"You sneeze like a kitten, you know that right?" Naomi giggles and I blush. No one, besides Jake, called me a kitten. She walks out of the room while I just sit there staring off into space.

"Here, I thought you might want to read this." I jump at Naomi's voice as she hands me a book. It was The Maze Runner. I nod and open it up to start reading it.

I was about a third into the book when I look at the time; 10:29. Wow, I can't believe I read for so long. I close the book before going into the bedroom to find Naomi sleeping peacefully in her bed. I quietly climb into my bed and close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up to banging and I look over to Naomi. She was still asleep so I run over to her bed and shake her awake. Her eyes widen as the banging continues and she rushes out of the bed. It was probably two in the morning right now and we were terrified.

Abruptly the banging stops and I freeze. I look for a place to hide and see a closet. No too obvious. I look around and find a space under my bed just enough for me to fit in. I point to the closet and Naomi runs into there while I hide under my bed. My breathing was ragged and my heart was beating so hard that I could hear it in my ears.

The door flings open and I jump slightly. I see four pairs of feet walking around the room and I realize that they found us.

"Rose, Naomi, we know you're here. Just come out and we won't hurt you (too bad)." Ashton whispers the last part and I quietly move closer to the wall. My side hits the wall with a soft thud and their feet freeze.

Kidnapped by 5sos// Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now