Chapter 8: Why Is He Being Nice?

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*Rose's POV* (1 month later)

I wake up in the boring blue room, but this time Naomi wasn't in the room as usual. I start to freak out, not knowing where Naomi was. The door opens and Naomi was thrown into the room. I rush over to her, gasping at the sight of her. She had blood rushing down her nose, bruises forming all over her face, and cuts all over her arms and legs. She slowly gets up and I rush over to the drawer where the first-aid kit, that I stole, was in. I grab some paper towels, Band-Aids, an ace bandage, and a mini ice pack. I quickly get everything ready and start patching up all her wounds. She winced as I clean her up.

"Rose, I'm fine. It's ok, it doesn't hurt I promise." She says lying straight through her teeth and I glare at her, annoyed that she was lying to me. I get her cleaned up and I pick her up. She seemed surprised that I could pick her up, especially since I just got a beating yesterday.

"Rose put me down, you're going to hurt yourself." Naomi protests but I ignore her and lay her on the bed. She continues to protest about how I should be laying down, not her but I brush it off. The door opens and we immediately freeze, petrified about what's going to happen.

"Rose, come here now! You're going to be making breakfast!" Luke says while grabbing my arm roughly and dragging me downstairs. This is bad I can't cook unless it's sandwiches. I pull on his shirt and he slaps me. I pull on his shirt again and he finally turns around, he looked beyond pissed off.

"What do you want, bitch?" He yells harshly and I stop walking making him skid to a halt. I try doing sign language but he tilts his head to the side, obviously confused.

"She's trying to say that she can't cook." I jump at the sound of Ashton's voice. I turn around to see Ashton standing there without a shirt on.

"How do you know that, exactly?" Luke asks and Ashton scoffs.

"That is the most basic sign language yet, next to the alphabet," Ashton says while I stare at him in disbelief.

"When did you learn sign language?" Luke scoffs and Ashton chuckles, amused at his mate's curiosity.

"That doesn't matter. All that matters is that we have to teach Rose how to cook for us." Ashton says and it was my turn to scoff. They snap their heads towards me and I quickly look down. After a few seconds, Ashton grabs my arm and I jerk it away quickly, big mistake. Luke slaps me while Ashton grabs my arm again. He pulls me towards the kitchen and starts getting pans, spoons, bowls, and cups out, laying them out on the counter. He turns on the stove and then turns around to face me.

"Come here." He says and I slowly walk over to him, scared of what he might do.

"Grab some eggs." He instructs and I do as I'm told, grabbing three eggs. He grabs my hands and helps me crack the eggs over the pan. He lets go and grabs one of the bowls.

"Now, get the pancake mix and put it in a separate bowl." He says and I grab the mix, putting it in the bowl just like he said.

"Get a ¾ cup of water and 1¼ cup of oil. Then pour it into the bowl with the mix in it." I do as he says getting the exact amount and pour it in.

"Now get two more eggs and crack them into the mix." I grab two more eggs and crack them. He starts mixing it while I just watch him. I didn't want to move because I was still afraid of him.

"Now come to flip these eggs." I just stand there not knowing what to do and Ashton huffs in annoyance. He pulls me to towards the stove and grabs my hands directing me to grab the spatula and flip over the eggs. His chest was against my back and I was blushing like crazy. No Rose, you can't like him, he's your kidnapper.

Kidnapped by 5sos// Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now