Chapter 18: Sick

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*Rose's POV* (important note at bottom) (a month later)

I felt like utter death. I started feeling sick last week, with a small cough which quickly turned into throwing up. It just became the flu season and my first thought was that I had the flu. But when I looked at my symptoms but they weren't like the flu. I was currently on my bed, my body was exhausted from throwing up just moments ago. Ashton was at the store, buying some tea and meds. My stomach did flip-flops and I could feel the bile rushing up into my mouth. I grab the bucket that was next to my bed and threw up my food from yesterday.

"I'm back!" I hear Ashton yell from downstairs, footsteps echoing the halls as he walks up the stairs. I make my way to the bathroom, my body shaking as I stumble to the bathroom. I fall in front of the toilet, my stomach contents spilling into the toilet water. I feel someone take hold of my hair, pulling it away from my face as I puked my guts out. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to breathe through the constant gagging and dry heaving.

"You're ok." I hear Ashton say as he passes a was of toilet paper, hanging it to me so I could wipe my mouth. I wipe my mouth and threw the wipe away.

"I feel like shit." I groan, my voice hoarse and shaking. I fall back into Ashton's strong arms, hiccuping.

"You're ok. You'll be fine, baby girl." My body shivered at the nickname, a pleasing feeling fills my heart. My already flushed cheeks grow a darker red as I try to comprehend what he said. My stomach flip-flopped again and I groan, squeezing my eyes shut as I try to suppress the urge to throw up.

"It'll make you feel better if you threw up," Ashton whispers, rubbing on my agitated stomach. He softly presses down and I feel the bile moving up my throat. I move my head forward before the bile in my stomach spills out of my mouth. The taste of my insides disgusted me to the point where I had to wipe my tongue.

"This is so disgusting," I whine softly, wiping my mouth once again. I feel Ashton's chest rumbles against my back as he chuckles. I groan, my eyes fluttering closed as exhaustion overwhelmed my body. My limp body is lifted off the ground and soon I feel the soft covers of my bed on my back.

"Go to sleep baby girl," Ashton whispers, lifting the covers over my shivering body. A fluttering feeling fills my stomach, overtaking the sick feeling. I feel my cheeks darken as I struggle to keep my eyes open.

"Just go to sleep." Ashton chuckles and my eyes shut.

"Don't leave." I groan, shifting on the bed. I crack my eyes open just to see Ashton taking off his shirt. He climbs over me and lays down next to my body. He pulls my feverish body close to his and I squirm around until I was comfortable. I ended up having my head on Ashton's chest, his arm wrapped around my waist. His hand ran up and down my back as my eyes fluttered shut and I fell into a peaceful sleep. Well, it was peaceful until my stomach started acting up again. My eyes flutter open as I groan, sitting up. Ashton was asleep as I stumble to the bathroom. My stomach contents spill out of my mouth as I throw up into the toilet, my body shaking. I gasp for air as I gag in reflex.

"Hey, hey, calm down." I hear Ashton whisper, a hand grabbing my hair and another wrapping around my waist. My eyes flutter close as I slump against Ashton's chest.

"Please make it stop." I sob softly into my hands. I feel Ashton shift around, his hands running down my sides in a comforting manner.

"You're ok. Just calm down and breathe." Ashton whispers in my ear. I take a deep breath as I feel Ashton rub my stomach softly. My stomach started feeling better as he continued to rub it. I surprised myself by moaning and Ashton freezes, his hand stopping. Not even five seconds after he stopped he started laughing. My cheeks turned a deep red as I feel his chest vibrate against my back.

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