Chapter 20: You're Alive!

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*Naomi's POV* (a week later)

Its been a long, agonizing week. Not because of the pain in my arm or the morning sickness but because I've been stuck inside this boring bed the whole time. I was horribly bored and no one would talk to me. I had a small baby bump, and I was beginning to fall in love with the small human beings growing inside my body. Luke was still here, he never really left much. Calum hasn't been here once which made me worry. Not because I cared about him... I mean I do but, that's not the reason I'm worried. I'm worried because I don't know what he's doing.

"Hey, you ok?" I hear Luke speak and my head snaps towards him. My thoughts have been broken and that's not what I wanted. I sigh but nod, wanting my thoughts to drown me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired and bored." I reply, yawning slightly. I haven't slept correctly since I've been here. It's not like I could before, it's just been harder to sleep now. My fingers subconsciously rub my ring finger, something I would do when I was younger and had a ring. I bite my lip, looking at my fingers.

"Once your arm heals, we can leave. And maybe see Rose, if she's not sick anymore." I hear Luke say and I nod, a small smile forming on my lips. I might be able to see Rose. I hear a knock on the open door and look up, to see Michael.

"Hey, Naomi. How's your arm- oh, hi Luke." Michael says and Luke mumbles a soft 'hey.'

"What are you doing here?" Michael asks and they begin talking while I close my eyes. My morning sickness was coming to an end, I only had about three more weeks or so. Trust me, I had Luke look it up. It was probably 4 in the afternoon. I was on the edge of sleeping when I jump awake. My body jerked up, startling me. I open my eyes to find Luke and Michael staring at me. My cheeks become flush and I bite my lip. I look down in embarrassment, they probably saw me jump awake. They laugh at my embarrassment and I blush even more.

"Awe, look Mike! She's blushing! That's so cute!" Luke says, and Michael laughs louder. My cheeks were probably so red. I cover my face with my hands. I was not ready for all of this much embarrassment.

"Luke. Shut up. Please, just, be quiet." Michael groans, saving me from the eternal embarrassment.

"Fine." Luke groan in reply. My eyes began to flutter shut again, tiredness taking over my body. I used to be afraid to fall asleep with them around, now, I'm falling asleep every other minute. It's not like I could help it, I mean, I have a child growing inside my womb. I once again fall asleep, this time, a deep sleep.


I was chained to a wall by my hands and ankles. Fear coursed through my small figure. I was back in the basement, I was completely terrified. Footsteps stomp down the stairs, quickly coming closer to me. I want to scream, but I had a disgusting rag in my mouth, it tastes like dirty, moldy socks. My eyes begin to water, but I force the tears back. Michael appears at the bottom of the stairs, he seemed so concerned for me.

"Damn, Luke fucked you up good, didn't he? " Michael walks up to me, quickly. I was extremely relieved that it was Michael and not Luke. The ground was freezing cold. I don't know why I was even alive. I haven't eaten in a week, I'm cold and dehydrated. How am I still alive, I should've died a few days ago. I Also had only underwear on so that made everything worse. Michael unlocked the chains connecting to my wrists. I sigh in relief, rubbing my cold fingers over the irritated skin and take out the gag. Michael then unlocks the chains on my ankles, pulling me up. I was too weak to stand up, so I ended up falling. Michael catches me, carrying me up the stairs. His body was extremely warm compared to mine.

"Why?" I croak out. Michael looks down at me. His eyes were so full of concern.

"Because, you haven't eaten in two weeks, and your body is turning blue. Don't worry, Luke isn't here right now." Michael said, and I relax. I wrap my small arms around his neck, trying not to fall out of his arms. Michael treated me better than anyone in this house ever since Rose went to the hospital last week. He was the one who told me what happened with Rose, and how she's in a coma. Michael sets me on a chair, carefully putting me down. A plate appears in front of me, with a fork. The plate had piles of mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, peas, and what I think is ribs. I know for a fact that I won't be able to eat all of it. I hesitantly picked up the fork, scooping a little bit of mashed potatoes, putting it in my mouth. My taste buds explode in happiness as the food comes in contact with my tongue. I let out an involuntary moan in pleasure and I hear Michael chuckle. I blush and slowly ate the food in front of me. I only ate about a fifth of the food. I push the plate away from me, my body shaking. I felt like I was going to be sick but I held it down.

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