Chapter 16: Memories.

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*Naomi's POV*

I was with Calum and Michael again but something seemed off. They were whispering to each other and looking at me every once in a while. I was curious about what they were talking about but I was afraid to ask them. Michael's now brown hair was messed up, and he looked extremely tired, while Calum seemed anxious about something. His new haircut was kinda hot and so were his tattoos but I never really looked at them before. Calum was whispering something to Michael and, once again, pointed at me. This time I spoke up about it because it was getting very uncomfortable.

"Why are you pointing at me?" I ask and they stare at me, making me squirm uncomfortably under their penetrating gazes. I look down at my hands awkwardly when they didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Calum speaks up.

"We're just talking about some stuff that kinda involves you. You don't have to worry though, everything's fine." Calum says sweetly and I instantly know something's up. He's never sweet to me. I decided not to follow up on his response and let my questions fill my mind with endless possibilities of what was happening. While I was deep in thought, someone snaps their fingers in my face. I come out of my thoughts and look up at the person. Calum was looking at me, obviously annoyed that I didn't listen to him. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"I and Michael are going out. Don't even dare try to escape because there will be an alarm system that will alert us if you try to run. We'll be back in a few hours, there is food in the fridge, eat whatever you want. See ya babes bye." He says, surprisingly kissing my cheek before walking out of the room. I wipe the kiss off my cheek and lay down on the bed. I've been extremely tired for the past month or so and have been sleeping way more. I curl up into a ball and let myself drift off to sleep.


I was in a room with Rose! When she saw me, her eyes lightened up and ran over to me. She seemed so relieved to see me and I was happy to see her. Her hair seemed lighter than before and her eyes seemed brighter, happier.

"Rose! I missed you so much!" I say, on the verge of tears of happiness. She smiles brightly at me. Suddenly, she disappears and I'm left alone in a dark room. Light fills the room and I see Luke walking towards me. I cowered away from him, terrified of him. I clearly knew this was a dream but it felt so real. Rose appears behind him with a blank look on her face. She looked deathly pale and her hair was black and so were her eyes.

"You're a mistake to mankind!" Luke yells at me. I take a step back in shock. I wasn't expecting that to happen at all.

"You should've never been born! You couldn't even save Rose! You're so fucking weak! You let Rose get beaten up as you wallowed in your own selfishness!" Luke screams and I feel tears form in my eyes. Then something happened that I never expected in my life.

"You let me die! I could be dead for all you know and you're wallowing in your own pain! You're such a worthless bitch! Selfish whore!" Rose screams at me and I start crying.

"You're such a fucking slut! You're having sex with Luke while I could be dying! Selfish little bitch! You're a fucking freak! No one would ever care about a slut like you! You a horrible mistake! You should just die already! You should end your miserable worthless life!" Rose yells at me and I crumble to the ground in sobs. I can't believe what she just said. Actually, I can believe it.

"I didn't want to have sex with Luke! He forced me! Rose, you have to believe me! Please!" I sob but they just laugh. I felt so helpless and vulnerable.

"Just end your pathetic life! It would do the rest of us a big favor! End your life and we won't have to deal with your slutty ass anymore! Just do it! Die already!" Luke screams at me as tears stream down my face. A blade appears in front of me and I grab it. I bring it to my wrists and slide-

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