Chapter 17: Cops

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*Rose's POV*

I woke up to a knocking on my door. Ashton was gone, so I was all alone. I walk down the stairs slowly, still tired. I open my door to find the two officers that were in my kidnap case.

"Yes, how may I help you?" I ask politely, yawning slightly.

"May we come in? We have to discuss your kidnapping." Detective Smith said and I open my door so they can come in. They walk past me and into the living room. I follow close behind them and sit down.

"So, can you please tell us again how many had kidnapped you?" Detective Ryan asks.

"Four. Four guys kidnapped me." I say, my breathing quickening. Memories from that house flood my mind but I push them back. I calm myself down before looking up at the two detectives.

"I know it's hard to talk about, but did you know where you were?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, nothing looked familiar. Every- every time I ran away, it looked different." I explain.

"What did the room that you were locked in look like?" Detective Smith asked and I nod.

"It had blue walls, and the bed had black sheets on it. There was one window, and I think the house was a two story. There was also a tree next to the room I was locked up in." I say, looking down. I see them writing something down.

"Is there anything you can tell us? Like if they might have hinted at anything or anything that happened to Naomi." Detective Ryan says and I shake my head.

"One time, they strangled Naomi because she was talking back. L- He didn't let go of her until she was unconscious." I almost slipped up. I almost said Luke's name.

"L? Who are you talking about?" Detective Ryan pushes on and I bite my lip.

"I-I'm sorry, it was nothing. Just a slip of the tongue." I lie. They look at me suspiciously before moving on.

"Has anything ever happened to you other than being starved, and beaten? Anything sexual?" Smith asked and I shake my head.

"No, nothing like that. But, there was this one guy, he had cleaned my cuts and bruises. Other than that, it was-" I get cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the door.

"Excuse me," I say politely before standing up and walking to the door, opening it. There stood Ashton with a big smile on his face and I could feel my face paling.

"Hey," I say softly, nodding my head over to the officers. They walk over to where we were standing.

"Hi, I am detective Ryan and this is Detective Smith. We're investigating Rose's kidnapping." Detective Ryan explains and I could see Ashton's face pale a little.

"Hi, I'm Ashton Irwin, Rose's friend." He lies and I nod, smiling. The two detectives look between the two of us before nodding.

"Rose, I was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment, you didn't answer my text," Ashton says and we excuse ourselves. We go to my room and lock the door. Ashton turns around once the door closes.

"You didn't tell me the cops were here," Ashton whispers loudly and I back up. He seemed angry and his anger was directed towards me.

"I didn't know. They just showed up. I-I haven't told them anything, I promise." I whisper back. I don't want you to hurt me. Ashton sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. He had just gotten it cut so it was a little shorter. He walks over to me and hugs me, taking me by complete and utter surprise. His arms wrapped around me, generating heat.

Kidnapped by 5sos// Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now