Chapter 4: Help Me!

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       *Rose's POV*

   I shoot up from my bed and look around hoping that it was a dream. I see the baby blue walls and I know that it wasn't a dream liked I hoped. I want to scream but I can't because I'm scared that one of them might hear and I will get another beating. Shit, I have a beating today. I break out of my thoughts when I hear footsteps coming towards my room. I lay back down and pretend to be asleep. The person walks in and their footsteps stop. 

   "I think she's still sleeping, Luke." I think Ashton, said.

   "I don't care. Wake her up she needs to get her beating." Luke demands and I hear footsteps coming towards me. Someone grabs my shoulders and lightly shakes me. I open my eyes to see Ashton shaking me and I instantly get terrified, knowing what was going to happen. He shoots me a sympathetic smile and picks me up, taking me out of my, surprisingly comfortable, bed. I squirm around, trying to get out of his hands and get out of here, but his grip just got tighter. We walk into the room that I first woke up in and got my beating. I started shaking as Ashton put me in a chair and tied my hands behind my back and my feet to the legs of the chair. The other two walk in and I look down not wanting them to see me cry.

   "This beating is because you didn't answer me the first time I asked you a question. Calum you're first." Calum walks up to me and I close my eyes, not wanting to see what he's going to do. I hear him pick something up and I feel pain explode on my stomach. My breath comes out of my body and I fight to breathe. He keeps beating me as I try to get air back into my lungs which fail miserably. He finally stops as I start seeing black spots and I get air into my lungs, finally.

   "Michael you're next." Luke's voice fills my ears like poison. Michael walks up to me and grabs a, what I think is a crowbar, then starts hitting me with it. I couldn't feel anything but pain and fear. I was on the edge of consciousness when he stopped. Luke comes up to me and slaps me even though I didn't feel anything. I don't really remember what else happened other than that the chair tipped over and I hit my head, then black.

       *Ashton's POV* 

   I watch as Rose goes unconscious from the blood loss. Luke, I guess saw too because he stopped a few seconds after she lost consciousness and turns to me.

   "Get her cleaned up and lay her on her bed. Please." Luke says and walks out of the room. I walk up to her and pick her up in my arm. I take her to her room while getting the first-aid kit and lay her gently on her bed. I clean her up and start to walk out of the room when I hear her move around on the bed. I turn around to see her squirming around like crazy so I walk up to her bed and I hear her crying. I automatically know what's happening; she's having a nightmare. I sit down next to her and she shoots up from the bed. She looks around and her eyes lay on me. She backs away and I don't know what to do.

   "I'm not going to hurt you. I don't do that, I would never hurt anyone, I promise." She relaxes a little and she seemed to be having an internal battle with herself. She looks at me and I smile at her but she doesn't smile back, she just looks at me with a blank face. I could see in her eyes that she was afraid and sad.

   "Are you hungry?" She nods and I walk out of the room to get her a sandwich. I make her a sandwich and walk back upstairs to see Rose asleep on the bed. I smile to myself and put her plate on the table next to the bed. I give her a kiss on her forehead and walk out of the room.

                    *Rose's POV*


   I was at the place where Jake was murdered. I watched as Jake and I come from the movie theater laughing at one of the scenes. A group of guys comes out of an alley and I scream. Jake tells me to run so I do and I hide behind a wall, watching the fight. One guy punches Jake in the face while one guy grabs a knife and tries to stab Jake but he dodges it. while Jake wasn't watching a guy stabs him in the back and I scream his name as he falls on the ground. I pull my phone out and call 911 in a hurry. I tell them what's happening and they said that they are on their way. I watch in horror as they beat him up. They stop and they run away while I run to Jake.

   "JAKE! SOMEONE HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!" I scream as people crowd around us. He was bleeding a lot and I was trying to stop the bleeding. Some people tried to help me stop the bleeding but he wouldn't stop bleeding. The ambulance gets here and quickly put him on the stretcher. After they put him in the ambulance they turn to me with sympathetic eyes and I instantly know what happened.

   "I'm sorry but he didn't make it. He died before we got here." I broke down and sobbed. One of the medics called my mom and she took me home. By this time I stopped crying and just sitting there not making a sound. My mom was talking but I wasn't listening, I was too shocked to care.

       (End of dream/memory)

I shoot up from the bed and look around. My eyes land on Ashton and I back away terrified of what he might do.

     "I'm not going to hurt you. I don't do that, I would never hurt anyone, I promise." He says that and I relax a little. I don't know if I should trust him or not. 'Of course, you're not supposed to trust him, he kidnapped you for crying out loud.' I break out of my thoughts and look at Ashton. He smiles but I don't smile back, I don't know what to do.

   "Are you hungry?" I nod and he walks out of the room. I lay back down and close my eyes. As I was just about to fall asleep, I hear footsteps and something being put down. Right before I went completely unconscious I feel something warm on my forehead but the warmness goes away as soon as it came. I fall asleep with thoughts swarming my head. One thought wouldn't go away; Someone please Help me!

     A/N: Hey my penguins sorry it took so long I was grounded again. Anyway I hope you like it, it took me like 4 hours to think of what to do for the chapter. Love you Byeeeeeeee!!!

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