Chapter 29: Sleep

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*Rose's POV*   (three weeks later)

It's been three weeks since it started. Three fucking weeks of stalking. Three weeks of seeing him everywhere. I couldn't stand it anymore. I haven't left my house in a week because I know he watches me. I see him peaking into my window, which has been causing me to close all my blinds, lock my windows and doors, and live in fear. I had to do it. I don't think I can live like this anymore. He scares me too much, so much that I can't leave the house. I haven't gotten food so I have barely enough to feed me until next week.

I'm exhausted because I can't sleep anymore, the paranoia was too much. I would randomly pass out then find myself on the floor or on the couch, or on the stairs. I know I need help but he scared me too much. I haven't eaten or drank anything in two weeks, most of my food has gone to Naomi who has been coming over every day.

I was just about to pass out when I heard something. I jumped and stood up quickly, causing me to get dizzy. I blink rapidly, trying to gain my sight that was temporarily gone. I stumble to my kitchen, the place where the sound came from. I look around rapidly, trying to find the source of the noise. But alas, I saw nothing. My eyes droop as I sit down on a chair. I fight to stay awake but I just couldn't. I ended up passing out with my head on the table.

I wake up, laying on my couch with a horrible aching headache. I was so tired that I didn't even bother to move. Not even when I heard shuffling coming from the kitchen. My eyes flicker over to the noise, my heart beating quickly in my chest. The door to the kitchen opens and Naomi comes out. I let out a breath of relief, knowing it was just her.

"You're awake. Rose, I found you passed out on the floor. You need to sleep, properly." Naomi says, walking over to me. I open my mouth, but I was shushed by Naomi.

"No fighting. We are going to your bed and you're going to go back to sleep. And that's final." Naomi says and I nod softly. I stand up and she leads me to my bedroom, tucking me into my bed.

"Now sleep. You need it. I'll be downstairs if you need me." Naomi says and shuts the door as she walks out of the room. I shut my eyes and drift off into sleep. You never know how tired you are until you fall asleep.

*Naomi POV*

I lied to Rose, so she wouldn't freak out. I found Ashton carrying her to the couch and laying her down. I immediately kicked him out, not letting him speak or object in any sort of way. It was unsettling because if I wasn't here, what would he have done to her? I know I'm a little paranoid but I've made sure Rose was ok. I know she hasn't been sleeping, eating, or drinking. She wasn't ok, and it was starting to show. She had large bags under her eyes, she was becoming skinnier by the day, and her eyes were bloodshot and red. You could begin to see her bones, which shouldn't be happening. I felt so bad for her but she didn't want any help. Now I'm forcing her to let me help her.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to the door, and slowly open it. There stood Calum and Luke. I was confused as to why they were here. I mean, why would they be here other than to do something like attack Rose or something. Again, I'm really paranoid.

"Hey, why are you here?" I ask, opening the door to let them in. I'm a bad friend, I know. They come inside and sit down on the couch. I bite my lip, waiting for them to answer me.

"Well, we were wondering how Rose is. You've been here an awful lot in the past three weeks. We want to know if she's ok." Calum says while Luke nods. I think for a moment, not knowing if I should tell the truth or make up some white lie. I decided to tell the truth because I didn't feel like coming up with a lie.

"She's horrible. She hasn't eaten or drank anything, hasn't slept for more than a few minutes, she's growing skinnier, and looks absolutely exhausted. I've tried to make her eat, but she doesn't want to. I can barely get her to listen to me without forcing her to do something. I-I just don't know what to do. I don't like watching her suffer, inside and out." I say, my voice cracking a little. The two boys look at each other, their jaws dropping into the floor.

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