Chapter 22: The Truth

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*Rose's POV* (2 months later)

Ashton never actually told me anything, claiming he didn't know how Luke got to me. I feel like he's hiding something, but I don't know what. My arms were in unimaginable pain and I was stuck in the stupid hospital once again. I had until tomorrow to wait until my bones heal completely and I can take off these stupid casts. That idiot named Luke broke all my fingers and both my arms. The doctors say I'm going to need therapy to help with the movement in my fingers. Being in this suffocating room was killing me and being with Ashton was worse. He wasn't talking to me and I was so fucking bored.

"Will you speak to me? I'm bored and this silence is slowly killing my sanity." I groan, looking at Ashton who was on his phone. He looks up at me and shrugs.

"Why won't you speak to me? Did I do something wrong? At least tell me what's wrong." I groan but Ashton still didn't speak. Ashton looks down at his phone once again.

"Ashton. Please." My voice broke so I cleared my throat. I felt so alone in the world. I couldn't stand the silence and I didn't know what to do.

"If you're not going to talk to me. I want you to get out." I say, tired of him not talking to me. His head shoots up and looks at me.

"Fine." Was all he said before walking out. The door slams behind him and I want to cry. Now I had an ich on my nose and I couldn't do anything about it. The door opens and my eyes light up only to see Lena. She had a tray in her hands and a smile on her face.

"Hey, Lena," I say and she frowns. She puts the tray down and sits in the empty chair.

"Where's your friend?" Lena asks and I sigh in sadness. She thought he was my friend, he was anything but.

"I told him to leave. He was ignoring me and I got tired of his shit." I explain and Lena nods.

"Well, I brought you your food," Lena says and I smile. She picks up the fork and cuts a piece of steak and puts it up to my mouth. I open my mouth, letting her feed me. I hated this, being fed because I felt useless. I chew slowly, not paying attention to the food and thinking.

"Are you ok?" Lena's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, looked up at her and bite my lip.

"Not really. I'm bored and I want to talk to someone but it seems like everyone is hiding something. It really irks me to the point where if I could punch them I would." I complain and Lena laughs.

"Well, don't tell anyone I said anything but Naomi is getting released today and I could tell her to come here if you want," Lena says and I instantly nod.

"Yes please," I say and Lena continues to feed me. After I was finished, she left and I was alone again. After spending two long ass hours just sitting in the room, not talking to anyone, the door opens. I look up and see Michael. The smile I had on my face fades as I see him.

"Hey," Michael says as if we were friends. I just stare at him for a minute.

"Why are you here?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. It's not like I meant for that to happen, I just blurted out what I was thinking.

"What is that supposed to mean? Maybe I just want to talk about nothing." I raise my eyebrows and stare at the male.

"That's never why you come here. So why are you here?" I say and Michael chuckles.

"I'm not here for anything. I heard you were bored and Naomi is busy so I thought I could come and talk. But I'm obviously not wanted so I will just leave you to wallow in your boredom." Michael says as he stands up.

"Wait wait. Please don't go. I will go insane." I plead and he laughs, sitting back down. I bite my lip, afraid to speak.

"So, did you hear what happened?" Michael pipes up and I furrow my eyebrows. What happened? Michael laughs at my confusion.

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