Chapter 14: You Killed Them!!

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*Rose's POV*

I was taking a nap when I was rudely woken up. My eyes flutter open to see bright hazel eyes staring at me. Ashton smiles at me and pulls me up so that I'm sitting instead of laying down.

"Get up. You're allowed to leave the hospital." Ashton says happily and I tilt my head in confusion. Where am I gonna go?

"Where am I gonna go?" I ask, yawning. He stops for a second before looking at me.

"Your house." He says like it was obvious. I nod in response and stand up. He grabs my arm and pulls me with him.

"Wait, I need my stuff," I say grabbing my bag as he pulls me out of the room. He basically drags me to his car and throws me inside.

"Ok, can you slow down?" I say grabbing his arm. He stops moving and looks at me with a smile.

"What are you doing?" I say, a tiny bit annoyed. He sighs quietly and bites his lip.

"I want to get you home ok?" He says, taking a deep breath. I nod slightly and let go of his arm. He closes my door and gets in the driver's seat. I was still a little uneasy about letting him take me home.

"You sure you're not gonna kill me? 'Cause if you do, I need to put on some makeup." I joke slightly and Ashton flinches at my words. He focuses on the road and I look out the window. I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I know is that I'm being shaken awake by Ashton.

"We're here." Ashton whispers and I unbuckle myself. I slowly get out of the car, stretching my arms. I grab my bag and we go into my house. My door was unlocked and I set my bag down near the door.

"Home sweet home," I whisper to myself. I find myself listening for my brother's loud yelling, my sister's high pitched voice talking on the phone and my mom telling them to quiet down. I sigh realizing that I'm never gonna hear that again.

"Come on Rose." Ashton snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up at him. He takes my hand and pulls me up to my room. I saw broken glass on the ground near my door and my door basically shattered.

"Sorry about that," Ashton says guiltily. I just shrug and step over the broken wood. I go into my closet and make sure nothing was stolen while I was gone. I had about $10,000 worth of clothes, bracelets, shoes, and hats, that I couldn't afford to lose. All my stuff was still there which made me sigh in relief.

"Are you ok?" Ashton asks and I shrug. He doesn't need to know what I'm thinking. Ever. I step out of my room and go into my brother's room. His clothes were everything like usual, his bed was ruined, and there were a few holes in the wall. My eyes start to water as I think how angry he was.

I force the tears back and move on to my sister's room. Her pink walls were covered with Justin Bieber, One Direction, and many more pop artist posters. Her clothes were in a pile in the corner, her bed was neatly made, and I saw a doll that she used to love thrown across the room. I gave her the doll when she was six years old. I pick it up and almost start sobbing at the sight of it. It was still in almost perfect condition but it had mascara and eyeshadow on the fabric. I look around for her journal, finding it under her bed. I open it to the most recent page.

'I miss Rose so much. Mom started drinking again and sobbed in her room. I've never seen mom so sad before and it's kinda scaring me. Isaac punched the wall again, almost breaking his hand. I've never seen him so angry besides when he lost a game two years ago. If Rose was here then we would be fine. Why was she taken from us? Why do they want her? Mom says that someone took her for money that we didn't have. They want 10,000 dollars from us and if we didn't get the money then Rose was gonna die. I don't want Rose to die because of us. I got a job to help mom get the money. Don't worry Rose, we'll get you back.

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