Chapter 7: New girl?

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*Rose's POV* (same day)

I feel someone pushing on my stomach and I couldn't breathe. I shoot up and cough up water. My hair was clinging to my face, but someone pulled it back and I continued to cough up the water in my lungs. Someone was patting my back as I coughed harshly. My body goes limp from exhaustion and hunger. I could see Luke sitting up with blood dripping down from his face. The person picks me up and I close my eyes, too tired to care what was happening around me. I feel them put me softly on the bed and start to take my clothes off. Normally I would freak because of all the scars on my body, but I was too exhausted to move. I heard their breath hitch but they continued to take my clothes off. They put a new pair of clothes on me and lay me back on the comfy bed. I started to fade into the darkness when I swear I heard someone whispering 'you won't be alone for long' but I'm not sure.

*Naomi's POV*

I was walking from where I work when suddenly someone puts a rag up to my mouth and nose. I hold my breath because I know that if I breathe I will pass out. They hold me tight as I continue to hold my breath but someone else punches me in the stomach and I take a sharp breath. My vision started getting blurry and I was getting light headed. My body went limp as I passed out.

I wake up in an unfamiliar room with four guys looking down at me. I sit up quickly and they back up.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I was scared but I didn't want to show it, so I hid it by asking questions.

"Well you're here and we are people." The one with blonde hair says sarcastically.

"Well I get that, I'm not dumb. *cough* Like some people *cough*" I whisper sarcastically and he slaps me. I growl and he slaps me again.

"Bitch listen up we have a few rules-" I cut him off which, by the look of his face, pissed him off.

"Rules, yay." Sarcasm drips from my voice. He slaps me again only harder this time. I glare at him as he continues talking.

"Shut the hell up! Rule number one, no running away or you get punished. Two no fighting us or you get punished. Three you will listen to us, or you will get punished. Am I clear?" He yells and I roll my eyes but nod anyway. He unlocks the cuffs on my leg which I didn't even know was there. He grabs my arm and pulls me up from what was the basement? They push me into another room and lock the door behind me. I brush off my knees and stand up looking at the room. It had baby blue walls and a bed, with someone in it? I walk closer and see a girl with wet blue hair. She moves around and opens her eyes. She sees me and backs up. She had bruises everywhere on her body and face.

"Its ok I'm not going to hurt you. Were you kidnapped too?" She nods. I look around and see a window. I walk up to it and try to open it. The girl runs up to me and pries my hands off the windowsill. She rapidly shakes her head and points to the drawer. She walks over to it and pulls out a small key. She puts it in her pocket and grabs some paper.

'Don't do that. They will know what you're doing. I have a key to the back door so we can escape. I'm Rose. Who are you?' She scribbles down before scratching out the key and the escaping part.

"I'm Naomi. Why don't you talk? Are you mute or deaf?" She grabs the paper and writes down something.

'I'm mute. I have reasons for not talking but I will have to get to know you first.' I nod at her reason for not telling me.

"How long have you been here?" She holds up three fingers.

"Three days?" She shakes her head. "Three weeks?" She nods and throws the paper away after she rips it up. I hear footsteps and Rose goes paler than she already was and runs to the bed, while I sit on the ground. The door opens and the four guys, or should I say giants to my 5'3 figure, walk in. They walk over to Rose and grab her arm.

Kidnapped by 5sos// Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now