Chapter 28: Guilt and Anger

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*Ashton's POV*  (10 Days later)

I had a massive amount of guilt that was weighing me down. I didn't intend to mention the murder of Rose. It just slipped from my mouth, off my tongue, and into the room to hang in the air. Her face when I said it, utterly destroyed me. Her eyes widened with surprise and shock, her lips trembled as her beautiful voice wavered at the sudden information I spilled to the world. The way her voice cracked as she screamed with so much anger and resentment towards one person. That one person being me.

What I did was messed up, to the point where Rose won't even give me a second chance. But I seriously couldn't let her go. I was in love with her and I can't deny my feelings for her. I knew she already pushed her feelings away when she said she hated me. Hell, I couldn't go a minute without thinking of her. I miss her to the point where I would do anything to get her back. I had a plan to get her back. The plan may involve some force, but after Rose realizes that she can't live without me, my plan will be complete.

*Michael's POV*

I got a call from Ashton a few moments ago and I literally freaked on him. His idea was not only stupid but insane. I didn't want to get tied into this mess again. I had a girlfriend whom I adore, and I don't want to ruin my relationship.

Ashton, she's going to fear you even more! Stop with this stupid ass nonsense! She is not an object! Get over the fact that she hates you!" I shouted into the phone. I hear Ashton huff in anger before trying to speak.

"Mike, she's not going to-" Ashton tries to respond but, not dealing with his shit, I cut him off.

"No, listen here Ashton. She doesn't like you. And doing what you want to do, will make her hate you even more. Just slow the fuck down for once and give her some space for Christ sake." I try to reason with Ashton but he wasn't having it.

"Mike! I wouldn't expect you to understand! You've never messed up so badly! You've never loved someone as much as I love Rose!" Ashton shouts and I had to pull the phone away from my ear so my eardrum wouldn't burst. I hear him pant in anger, I could basically feel his emotions radiating through the phone.

"Ash, please, calm the fuck down. You need to take a deep breath, let Rose take a deep breath. Of course, she's furious, we killed her boyfriend whom she loved. How would you feel if your loved one was murdered by someone who talked to you almost every day? Rose is going through shit as well. She still loves you, but she needs some time to figure everything out. And Ash, you need to take a step back and think over everything. Have you ever thought that maybe the plan you have in mind might hurt her even more? You're going to make her fear you even more." I explain softly. I hear Ashton take in a shaking breath before speaking up.

"But Mike. I love her and it hurts so much to know that she hates me. She's the only person who made me smile when I wanted to cry, the only person who made me truly happy. I don't want her to leave me, so I need to go through with this plan. I need to show her I love her more than she knows." Ashton's voice cracked as he spoke. I groan and give up on trying to convince him not to go through with his plan.

"Whatever Ash. I have to go. I'm going on a date with my girlfriend before she has to go back to school next week." I say before hanging up without letting Ashton speak. I run my hand through my crazy, now blonde, hair. I bite my lip softly as I groan, my head aching. I was stressing out when my phone rang again. I accept the call without checking the contact.

"Hello?" I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. I really did not want to speak to anyone at the moment, all I wanted to was get ready for my date.

"Hey, sweet cheeks. How have you been doing?" I sigh in relief when I hear Ariel's voice. All my anger dissipated when I heard her beautiful voice. She always kept me calm even in the most stressful situations.

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