BSM, Luke

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He doesn't like your outfit

Luke, 14

You come home from school and quickly change out of your uniform and into something that would impress your friends and the guys there. You put on a plain grey crop top and high waisted black denim shorts. You walk downstairs to ask Luke if you can have $20 because your parents are away on a business trip.
"Luke." You hollared from downstairs.
"Yeah?" He says coming out of the basement. "What are you wearing Y/N?" Luke says getting angrier.
"Clothes I guess, can I please borrow $20 and I'll pay you back?" You ask sweetly.
"Only if you change." He says to you.
"Luke." You whined.
"Y/N. Change, now." He says his voice growing.
"Luke can I please just borrow $20." You ask again.
"Not until you change out of that Y/N." He says growing tired of this conversation. 
You walk out the door ensuring that it slams and start walking to your destination.

You just arrived and there were your new friends and the boys. You sat down next to Kaylee.  She was dating Liam. You had your eye on Darcy.  Every now and then you'd catch yourself staring at him. Darcy beckoned you over. You walk over and sat next to him.
"Anybody got any darts?" Blake another guy called out. Darcy pulled out a pack of smokes from his pocket.
"Oi Blake here." He said handing him one. Darcy proceeded to hand everyone one. Everyone had lit theirs up and started smoking it. Darcy offered you one.
"No thanks. " You stuttered.
"At least have a drag of mine."Darcy said handing you his. You felt the smoke in your hands for not even a second before passing it back.
You sat there quietly listening to everyone's conversations leaning against Darcy. You closed your eyes feeling tired.
"What the fuck Y/N!" You heard Lukes voice. You got up and Luke dragged you away instantly.
"I wasn't smoking I promise Luke." You say trying to loosen his grip.
"I know you weren't.  You're not that stupid."
"Then why are you angry."
"I'm angry because you didn't listen to me. You don't wear those types of clothes, and I want to know why you're changing yourself to hang out with these dronogos." Luke bluntly said.
"I don't know."
"Well you're going to tell me later." You nodded your head as Luke forcibly pushed you into the car. The res of the band were in there to. You were seated next to Michael and Luke was on the other side.
Luke roughly passed you his Vans jumper. You put it on not enjoying the silence of the car.
"So what we're you doing with those idiots? And why were you dressed like that?" Luke asked you. All the boys apart from Calum cause he was driving turned to you. You put the hood on and hid your head. Luke lifted it off of you.
"Y/N?" Luke said.
"Do I have to tell you right here. Right now?" You whined.  Like nodded his head. You didn't want to tell him you were hanging out with them because you thought one of the guys was hot.
"Because I wanted to. " You smiled innocently.
"Bullshit. " like laughed.
"Becauseoneoftheguystherewerehot." You said really fast. You then hid again in Lukes jumper.
"Y/N has a crush." Ashton cooed. You punched him fair and square in the shoulder.
Luke just laughed.

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