Bsm, Ashton

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Ashton, Bsm, 8

it was a really hot day and you were on the tour bus which only made it worse. The bus was driving so you couldn't even escape and get fresh air. You sat by the open window breathing in the warm air, but still it was the coolest air you had the option of. You were sitting on the couch in shorts and a tank top feeling like you were going to overheat. 

"It's to hot Ash." You whined to your older brother who sat their in boxers in front of a fan, all the boys were crowded by the one fan.
"I know I'm sorry Y/N I can't do anything about it." he said flashing you a smile.
"These clothes are all hot and sticky." You said getting really stressed and feeling overtired.
"If you don't want to wear them because it's to hot you don't have to." Your brother said while checking for the millionth time that the fan was on the highest setting. You went to your bunk and folded the clothes you were wearing and went back out to where your brother was just in your underwear.
"Yes." You said slightly laughing. You went over to your brother and laid right beside him. You rolled to your side and used Ashton's arm as something to cuddle. You snuggled closer to your brother not caring about how hot it was and fell asleep.

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