BSM Calum

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Calum, 6

It was thunderstorming outside and it was scaring you. Your parents were away on their anniversary so it was just you and Calum. You didn't want to wake him up because it was 2 am. You decided you could sneak into his room without waking him. You got up and took your pillow with you. You opened Calum's door and the light was on. In fact all the band were here playing video games.
"What's wrong?" Your big brother asked you.
"I don't like the thunderstorm." You said jumping every time thunder hit.
"Come here Y/N." Calum said. You ran through the boys and jumped into Calum's lap. He groaned for you'd jumped right onto his privates.
"Sorry Cal." You say giving him a hug.
"It's alright Y/N." He said to you.

You sat there growing more tired by the minute listening to the boys conversations and watching them play video games.
You played with the buttons on your footy pajamas. Michael scooped you up and put you under the bed covers.
Calm laid down next to you and you latched onto his hand.
"The thunder will be gone in the morning sweetie." He said to you. You nodded and closed your eyes falling asleep almost instantly.

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