BSM - Michael

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Michael, 17

"And then your side chick called you up saying she might be pregnant, now you're alone and crying. Inside you're slowly dying." You sang as you scrolled through your instagram feed.

"Well I hate to break it to you but I'm not alone, nor crying, nor am I dying." Your brother said walking into your room.

"Dang it." You mutter purposely loud enough for him to here.

"You're so rude." He retorted.

"Who's rude?" Luke asked walking in the room.

"My sister." Michael said to you.

"Hi Luke." You said not looking up from your phone.

"Hey Y/n."

"Why are kids these days all about phones?" Michael sighed.

"Oh fuck off Mikey. You are always on your phone." You said putting your phone to the side.

"Hey don't swear." Ash said walking in your room.

"Hey Ash."

"What no hi to me?" Calum said entering your room as well.

"Oh my god is everyone going to have a party in my room." You say putting emphasis on a couple words.

"Why not. I'll get the beers." Michael laughed.

So everyone actually was in your room drinking beers and taking shots of tequila.

4 hours later the boys were all drunk and you were sitting on your bed amused by the drunk boys. Calum was actually asleep on your shoulder. Your shrugged him off so many times but he kept putting his head back there. Ashton was playing chasy with his shadow, but disappointed when every time he leapt for it, it was gone. Luke and Michael were playing patty cake, hitting each others faces every now and then though.

"Hey I have an idea." Calum said jumping up. The boys all turned to him.

"We run around the street pretending to be whales." Why the, who the fuck suggests such an idea. It was about 11 pm.

"Yeah, who ever is last to the door has to do it streaking."  Ashton suggested. You prayed that Michael wouldn't lose, I mean he's your brother. That's weird. 

So they all took off you following after. Michael won and was standing at the door. Ashton was next. Calum and Luke were tied last. right in front of you they took of all their clothes whilst laughing. 
You watched as they all ran outside and starting making whale calls. 

You walked inside and turned the TV on. Watching whatever was on, which happened to be the Cat in the Hat movie.

The door opened and in stumbled four boys. Michael and Ashton looking half normal. Luke and Calum made there way over to you and you backed off.

"Put some pants on." They went to their piles of clothes and put on their jocks. You hadn't seen their dicks (much to either you pleasure, or displeasure). 

"It's so cold y/n." Luke said cuddling up to you.

"Michael get your weird friends off me."

"Nah I'm going to sleep." He said walking upstairs. Ashton ran up after him and you were stuck down here with 2 overgrown children. 

For the rest of the night you watched a movie on TV and fell asleep with the boys right beside you.

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