DDM Calum

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Calum, 14
You get in trouble at school and have to get picked up.

It was lunch time and this girl you had never really gotten along with came up to you.

"Were you fucking talking about me skank." She says getting up close and personal.

"Yeah I was actually." You say proud for standing up for yourself.

"Well fucking dont whore."

"Then stop being a bitch." You say getting annoyed at her attitue. She looked at you with a face, it was a face of her not excpecting you stand up to her.

"You fucking skanky bitch! Just cause your dad is in some loser band!" She yelled getting everyones attention. You just shook your head and laughed. You turned and walked away.

"What to scared to stand up to me." SHe laughed. You turned around and punched her fair in the nose. Your fist was throbbing but it felt so good. She was on the ground crying holding her nose. It was bleeding to.

"I'm not scared of you and don't you ever fucking talk about my family like that." You sp

"Y/N HOOD, my office NOW!" The principle yelled. Your smile was wiped off your face and you followed him to the office.

Half an hour later you were sitting on the seat in his office while you waited for your dad to pick you up. Your dad walked in not looking to happy.

"Y/N is suspended for 1 week. I don't want to see her at this school until the 11th of July." The principle said with a look of disgust. "I assume she will be punished in a way you think is fit."

"She definently will." Calum grabbed your hand roughly and pulled you out of the office. You silently got in the car and sunk down.

"What the fuck was that. I am at home with the guys and we've got our manager over talking about having our last fucking tour and I get a fucking call from the school saying my daughter has punched a student and is suspended. You are grounded for a month no phone no nothing. When we get home you can clean the bloody kitchen and there will be a list of other jobs." He said gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"I'm sorry dad. She has been ruining my school books, starting roumers, calling me names."

"That is no excuse."

"But you said stick up for my family and she called your band a loser band dad. I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me that." HE said softenign his voice. The car pulled up and you solomely took your school bag slinging it over your shoulders.

"Look, next time someone bullies you and your family tell me and we can sort it out a different way." He said.

"I'm really sorry dad." You said to him.

"It's alright now how about we scrap what I said and you come hang with me and the boys." He said wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

"Hey Y/N. What did you do." Michael laughed.

"Hey Mikey I punched a chick and I'm suspended for a week." You said sheepishly.

"Yes I have taught her so well." Your uncle Michael said hi-fiving you.

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