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Tom twirled me around for a final time as we stepped out the doors into the foyer, the last few notes of the final song resonating in our ears.

"Come on," He laughed, "You have to admit they played some damn good songs."

I spun into him and nodded, his hands resting on my hips. "Yeah, I just wished they'd play some more oldies. The stuff our parents danced to, you know?"

He smiled down at me. "You just like my vintage dance moves."

"You do dance like Fred Astaire. But I don't care what the music is, as long as I'm dancing the night away with you." He reached into his pockets and jingled his keys.

"Come on, let's get you home." We stepped out onto the awning, but stopped as rain fell down in heavy sheets. He shrugged as I bit my lip. "Run for it?"

"In these heels?" I laughed. "Hell no." He extended out his hand and I slipped my shoes off. I bunched my dress in my left hand and grabbed his shoulders as I jumped on his back.

He took in a deep breath and counted down. "Three...two...ONE!" He yelled and I screamed as he ran into the rain. I expected it to be freezing, but it was more of a pre-summer storm. I leaned my head back and laughed with joy as he sprinted to the car, long legs easily carrying us both.

As we got to the car he gently set me down, put my shoes on the roof of his car, and fumbled with his keys, trying to find the clicker. He'd developed an obsession with collecting key chains of all the cities he'd wanted to visit, claiming he'd take them off when he reached his destination.

He saw me waiting there, drenched, my hair plastered on my face and darkened dress clinging to my body. "Geez," He lifted the corner of his jacket and held it over my head, "I'm ruining your hair."

I laughed and pushed his jacket away. "Honey, it's been long ruined, with all the bouncing and jumping tonight." He finally found his key and unlocked the door, but I grabbed his wrist. "One last dance?" He nodded and turned his stereo on, playing Friday I'm In Love.

I grabbed his hands and we twirled and splashed our way through the surrounding puddles. A few couples passed us, but were too busy trying not to get wet to notice us.

We both belted the song at the top of our lungs, Tom's voice over mine as I had lost it early on through the night. It was nice to actually hear him singing, and just to me.

The song ended way too quickly, and I put my hand on the back of his neck. Watching droplets trace the trail of his curls and fall to the ground, I said, "Thanks for not picking a slow song." He laughed, and pushed his dripping forehead against mine.

"And a song from the eighties," I added after a second thought.

The water on our lips gave a new taste to our kiss. All of my senses were heightened, with the smell of the wet pavement around us. I always thought movie kisses in the rain were overrated, but it wasn't until know that I understood their appeal.

The rain sent a rush of adrenaline through my body, giving our kiss more excitement and want and need. Best prom ever. Tom suddenly began chuckling and I pulled away. "What?" I asked, as he took in my disheveled state.

"Your Mum's gonna kill me."

Tom Hiddleston OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now