Chapter 3: look on the bright side

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Chapter 3: look on the bright side

Niall's POV

I woke up to find Hannah in my arms. "Good morning love." I say to her as she struggles to opens her eyes.

"Five more minutes." She mumbles. I smile, she is so beautiful.

"Ok I'll go make you breakfast." I told her. Gosh I really like her but she just went through a breakup and I don't want to rush her into something she is not ready for at the moment.

I got up and walked out of the room noticing everyone else is awake.

"Hey Ni have a nice sleep?" Lou asked.

"Yeah actually best one I've had in awhile." I replied back. Soon enough Hannah was down stairs wrapped in her One Direction blanket that the lads and I gave her as a joke for Christmas.

"Morning bunny can we talk in a bit." Lou asked. She replied by saying, "sure."

"I made you breakfast love it's your favourite." I said to her.

"Thanks Ni." She said. No one says a word until Hannah and Louis go upstairs to talk.

Louis' POV

The first thing she says when we walk into my room is  "You really need to clean your room." I chuckled.

"Yeah I know ." I said. She walked over to my bed and laid down.

"So I wanted to say sorry for the way I acted yesterday it's just I was angry that he hurt my little bunny." I apologized to her.

"Louis it's okay I know you were just trying to protect me, the thing is when I was with Niall I just felt these sparks and I don't know why." She told me.

"Bunny come on it's obvious that you like him." I said stating the obvious. She thought about it for a second. I can tell by how long it took her to think that she never really thought about that before, but Niall has always been there for her. I'm really happy that she has someone else there for her.

"But how I just got dumped." She said running her hands through her long hair.

"Maybe he was the right one for you all along." I explain. Which I do have a point. does have a point. She just never realized that before or else she would have broken up with Jake along time ago.

"Yeah, I'm going to leave and talk to Em, but you need to clean your room." Hannah said getting up. I replied by saying, "Yes mum."

"Really Lou really your older then me." She says playfully rolling her eyes as she walks out of the room.

Hannah's POV

I hate how Louis blames himself for this, I mean I was the one who didn't believe he and Emily when they said that he was just going to hurt me. This morning I woke up in Niall's arms and to be honest it felt good.

I just remembered I have to go to Em's room because she wants to talk to me about something. I walk to the room she was staying in and knocked on the door.

"Em can I come in?" I asked before opening the door. I don't want to invade her privacy.

"Yeah." She replied. I walked in.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I began to ask.

"Well I have a question." She started to say.

"Em what is it?" I asked curious of what she is gonna ask.

"Do you like Niall?" Em asked me. I paused for a second. Louis and I were just talking about this.

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