Letter to Hannah

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(Not a chapter)
Dear Hannah,

It's October 21, do you know what that means? We've been Internet Friends for a year now! That's crazy! I can't believe it's already been a year. I still remember little things from when we first became friends. Like I remember when we were texting late at night and it was raining where you were and you told me your power went out. I know that is a stupid thing to remember but I remember it. I remember the day of my OTRA concert July 28, 2015 you and Kayle wore your One Direction shirts. Omg we were arguing about who was prettier, I was saying if Niall had to chose between me or you he would chose you because you are obviously way prettier than me. I remember oovooing you for the first time because of the death threats Harry was getting. I remember when we were talking about how we sometimes add a few song lyrics or song titles from One Direction when we write stuff. I've never really had a friend that is a directioner so I was really happy when you asked me to be your internet friend! We have so many memories together over the year. We snapchat and text each other everyday and every once in awhile we would oovoo. To be honest I think oovooing is way better than texting. I know I can be annoying and crazy and I have really bad ADD but I know you still love me. We've never been in an argument, and we've never been mad at each other before. That shows Internet friends are your true friends. I love oovooing you for hours, and I love writing our fanfiction together on wattpad. I really do love writing our fanfiction together because it is so fun, I have so much fun writing it with you and Kayle! I have so many things that I love about you. I love how I can tell you anything and you'll understand. I love how we both think alike. Your funny, cool, smart, nice, creative, full of excitement, and many more things that I can't think of right now. I love oovooing with you because it's a whole lot better than texting because then I won't have to worry about typing and autocorrect misspells things.Although we don't oovoo a lot, only when we have time, but I still enjoy texting, and snapchatting. I just think oovooing is better. Many people say it's not good to have internet friends. Like they could be creepy 40 year old men, but you're not 40 year old man. No one told us that we will meet these amazing people on the internet, and they didn't tell us that they would become best friends with them. I'm sure that's what people are afraid of. Some people say it would never last as long as we think it would, but look at us now. ONE FREAKING YEAR!!!! During the summer, around the month of July I'm planning on coming to see you in person, not on a little phone screen. I can't wait to run up to you and wrapping my arms around you. I might end up tripping and falling over something. Nothing is gonna interrupt our long hug. We might even end up on the ground because we would be so excited to see each other and we would be crying. We are gonna have so much fun when I come to your state, I can't wait. Just remember, we'll always be together no matter what because we always help each other through the day whether we know it or not. We are only 855 miles 12 hours away. That's not so far away if you really think about it. My mum drove me 13 hours almost 14 hours just to see One Direction this year. I know for sure my dad will drive me 12 hours just to see my two best friends in the world. Happy one year anniversary Hannah, you're like a sister to me, I've written so much about a person expect for One Direction. Thanks for dealing with my craziness, and you have to deal with how annoying and stupid I am, but all and all I know you still love me! Its funny because I can't we've been internet friends for a year now. There are five, yes five, special boys I have to thank because if it wasn't for them being in a band together we would've never became best friends. I would love to thank One Direction and Zayn Malik, I love you boys so much. Even though we are a little broken I still appreciate them. We are gonna take tons of photos and make lots of videos when we meet. You know internet friends are more real than your friends you can hug and actually see in person because they understand you more. We share the same feelings, and I don't care what anyone thinks of our friendship because to me our friendship is special or in other words, it's important to me. I know it's one I will keep. So I have about two quotes that I absolutely love. Quote number 1. "Always together never apart, maybe in distance, but not at heart." That one little quote has so much meaning to it, and it's so very true in so many different levels. Quote 2, "Don't ever give up on meeting your internet friend because you'll meet them. And it will be something you'll remember forever." I'll see you this summer Han, I promise and this is a promise I will keep. I really can't wait to see you in person, were only 855.2 miles away. Some day those 855.2 miles will become zero and we will finally be able to run into each other's arms and hug for the very first time! :)
-Emily xx

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