Chapter 18: Going to Ireland

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Chapter 18: Going to Ireland

Niall's POV

Today is the day Hannah and I are going to Ireland for Christmas. We walk almost every morning on the treadmill  to help her walk better. She has been having trouble though, it's like teaching her to walk all over again. I'm hoping that she will be able to walk completely before New Years it would be so amazing to surprise her family.

I packed our suitcases, Hannah wanted to help but I told her I could do everything. She told me she wanted to spend New Year's with her family so we are leaving the 28th to go to Doncaster. I'm so excited that we are going to Ireland. I know my mum can't wait to meet Hannah. I think I got all of the last minute things.

I went downstairs to join everybody as we ate breakfast. Kayle and Liam ended up going to Liam's mum and dad's house for Christmas. After breakfast I went to load the car and come back in as we wait for Mark. Mark is coming with us because he is going to see his family in Ireland.

"Niall, Mark texted me and said he would be here any minute." Louis said.

"Okay, well we will start putting our coats on, we will see you on the 28th." I said leaving the kitchen to grab me and Hannah's coats and beanies. I quickly grab the coats and rush back giving Hannah her coat as she is hugging Louis.

"Have fun, but not too much fun. " Louis said hugging me. We hear the horn and I helped Hannah outside. Getting through the airport is going to be a pain but I think we can make it work.

After a longish car ride we arrive at the airport. Mark is going to check us in and we will head to security. We only ran into a few fans and get through security.

"You okay babe?" I ask Hannah.

"Yeah, I just need to sit." She replies.

"Okay, let's go sit." I say as I pick up our carry on. We waited for our flight to be called. When it was called we got up grabbing some of the small stuff we brought to bring on the plane with us and entering the gate to get on the plane. We found our seats in first class sitting down. I got the window seat. Hannah is getting jumpy.

"You okay babe?" I asked looking over at her.

"Yeah, I just don't like flying." She admitted.

"It's okay, here." I say handing her one set of headphones as I grab the other. Putting relaxing music on.

"Good morning this is your captain speaking, I would like for you to put your seat belts on because we are about to leave." The captain said a few minutes later. I took out one of Hannah's earbuds getting her attention she looked at me with a questioning look.

"Put on your seat belt, we are about to take off." I told her putting on my seat belt at the same time. She put on her seat belt and putting her earbud back in her ear. I grabbed my hand knowing she's only been on an airplane like one time, I think.

The plane started to move and Hannah tightened her grip on my hand. I rubbed circles around his hand. I brought it up to my mouth kissing it. Mark who is sitting next to me starts to notice Hannah's nervousness.

"Is she okay?" He asked with a little concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I think it's only like her second time flying." I replied.

"Okay, that makes a lot of sense." Mark said. I look back over to Hannah and she looks like she is trying to relax. I took the earbud out of her ear.

"Princess the flight is only an hour and a half." I said rubbing my thumb across the top of her hand.

"Okay, now put music back on." She said putting the earbud into her ear. She moves so her head is on my shoulder and are fingers are intertwined. We stay like this for the remainder of the flight. By the time the flight was over you could tell Hannah's knee was killing her.

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