Chapter 8: Fighting Shopping and Getting Sick

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Chapter 8: Fighting Shopping and Getting Sick

Niall's POV

It's been about a day or two since Hannah snapped at Emily. They haven't spoke to to each other since, they won't even sit next to each other. If one sits by the other, the other will move. It's getting pretty annoying if you ask me. It's pretty awkward, for as long as I've known them they've never been at war.

I want it to stop, I want everyone to feel comfortable talking to each other when they are in the same room together. I never found out why Hannah was upset but I will get to the bottom of it.That's the most important thing to know right now.

"Babe, can we talk?" I asked Hannah.

"Sure, what's up?" She responded.

"Well we need to figure out what's going on between you and your sister." I told her.

"Ugh why?" She replied coldly.

"Why? Because you are sisters and you shouldn't fight, now please tell me how it happened." I said demanding to know.

"When she went up to talk to me she started yelling at me for not telling her about why I left, so I told her I shouldn't have to because she didn't tell me for a few years about what Chris did." Hannah responded. I don't care how mad she gets at me for wanting to know what happened between the two, I just want them to make up once and for all.

"Why don't you tell her what's going on?" I asked.

"She knows that I get hate from the fans and she knows I'm angry about her not telling me." She said rolling her eyes.

"Was that the only reason you left?" I asked knowing it really wasn't but I know I'm not gonna get anything else out of her.

"Uhh......Yeah." She said looking around the room. I know she left because of something else but what? I have to know what is bothering her, I'm her boyfriend. She may keep secrets from other people but I want her to be open with me.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I said to her hoping she would get the memo.

"Yeah can we just like sit outside please?" She asked.

"Sure." I responded and she grabbed her camera.

"Niall sit in the grass looking towards the sun." Hannah told me. I move so she can take the picture. "Perfect."

"I'm going to set the timer so we can get a pic of the both of us." Hannah says as she sets the timer.

"Okay come here next to me." I told her. We took a bunch more pictures then I get a text saying we have an interview.

"Babe I have to go to a interview but when I get back we will do something." I said as I helped her up.

"Okay while I'll be working on the photos and all." She replied and kissing me before she went to her room.

Hannah's POV

I get to my room and plug my camera in and put my headphones in. Of course Little things comes on when I'm working on the photo of Niall and I, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just photographers edit most photos in some way.

It's not long when I hear "We need to talk." I turn around and take out my headphones.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked annoyingly.

"Our fight" Emily responds.

"Look, I'm sorry you got mad at me, you didn't tell me about what Chris did for years so why should I have to tell you?" I asked putting my hand on my hip.

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