Chapter 10: Blackouts and Wakeups

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Chapter 10: Blackouts and Wakeups

Kayle's POV

As soon as Niall sees her he blacks out.

"Let's get him to a chair." Doctor Carter said.

"Wait I got it." Liam said as he walks over to Niall. I hope that works, it usually does.

Niall, we have Nando's." Liam said. Nothing happened. That's odd, he wouldn't usually wake up, this is new and I don't like it.

"He's in shock, he should wake up any minute." Doctor Carter said.

"I told you we shouldn't have brought him." Louis said. He is right we shouldn't of brought him here. Hannah looks so horrible because of the car accident. I feel really guilty about it because nothing major happened to me. Emily got memory lost and Hannah is in a coma.

Fifteen minutes later he wakes up, finally. I was starting to think he wouldn't, not that he died but I thought it would take longer than fifteen minutes just being honest.

"Niall how are you feeling?" Doctor Carter asks him.

"Uh... Fine" Niall said as he stood up. He looked at Hannah again then looked down at the ground. I feel bad for him.

" Are you sure" He asks.

"Yeah positive." Niall replies, then we walk in the room.

Niall's POV

I look over to see Hannah. "Oh My God." I said.

"Uh.. You should stay seated we send Zayn to get you a drink." Doctor Carter said.

"Then can you move my chair closer?" I asked. I really want to be closer to Hannah.

"Sure." Liam said walking over to me. He moved my chair closer before returning back to were he was.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Niall do you have any questions?" Doctor Carter asked me.

"When will she wake up?" I asked as my eyes start to water. I can't live without her, I don't just want her to wake up I need her to wake up. A want and a need are two different things.

"We don't know, hopefully soon." He replied. I looked down at the ground. I really don't want her to be gone for long, I don't think I would be able to make it. I hate seeing her like this. I never wanted to see her hurt, this just breaks my heart. I looked at her and saw all the bandages on her chest.

"Why does she have so many bandages around her chest?" I asked then looked at the doctor waiting for him to reply to what I asked.

"Well we had to operate to fix her ribs that's broke." Doctor Carter responded. I nodded my head letting him know I understood.

"This is my fault." I hear Kayle say. Everyone in the room looked at her.

"No Kayle it's not your fault, it's the people who crashed into you fault." Liam reassured her. He wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her closer to him.

"No, it is my fault we were singing to the radio and I wasn't focusing too much on the road. It is my fault." Kayle said the last part a little to loud. I know it's wrong too but I blame her too. Whenever your driving you should always be more focused on the road than anything else. That's how accidents are created, if your not focused on the road.

"She's right," I began to say, everyone looked at me. "It is her fault. If she would of been paying more attention to the road none of these would of happened!" This is not okay. I want Hannah to wake up right now. I don't want her to be broken, I wanted her to be fixed and healthy. I don't want her to be asleep, I want to be able to wrap my arms around her and kiss her forever but I can't do that!

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