Letter to Emily

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(Not a Chapter)

Dear Emily,
    You are one of my best friends, and I'm so glad we became friends. How has it been a year since I sent you the first DM on instagram saying how much I love your fan account. Then in the matter of days we became best friends. Everybody says don't have internet friends because they can be stalkers or someone trying to steal your identity, but I knew you weren't like that. You're there for me when other people aren't. People say you can't be friends if you've never met but they don't understand.  12 hours and 855.2 miles  is a long way away but we still have this amazing friendship that is so indescribable. Some day those 855.2 miles will become zero and we will hug and have a conversation in person for the first time. We have been through some tough times in the past year like Zayn's sad departure from the band, " baby gate" ( you know what I mean) Death threats, and so many more. More recently the cancellation of the show due to Liam's mysterious sickness, but every time we were there for each other because not everybody understands what it's like being in a fandom with a band this big. Not everybody understands what we go through on a daily basis, but you do. I remember when Zayn left I texted you asking if you were okay, but you texting me knowing it was my birthday and how it was the worst day of my life. We still talk about it to this day and how awful it was and how we miss him. Then when you got your tickets I remember you texting me saying how excited you were. Then me and Kayle were at a party together and you texting us how excited you were to be there and how it was an amazing experience. We went through more fandom drama. Then I got my concert tickets and I called you practically screaming. A few weeks later was my concert and I'm texted you a all the way to Buffalo saying how excited I was. I texted you while I was waiting to get in and then when I got to my seat telling you how I was like 15 feet from them and how u wasn't going to last through the concert. Then the next day we spent it talking about our post concert depression and how awful it is. We then started talking about school and how we don't want to start because we just want to text each other all day long. We then started school again and we text every day before and after school. We have so many memories even though we haven't met and we have so many more to come. We have so much in common like our brothers ironically have the same name, how much we love the boys, our love for music, and so many more. We have spent hours snapchatting, FaceTiming, and texting. The fact we spend hours snapchatting each other videos of us lip sinking to songs or laughing at the most random things, and don't forget the billions of ugly selfies I send you. You, Kayle, and I send so many pictures to each other of the boys or our " photo shoots". Plus we send each other so many links to YouTube videos that deal with so many things like One Direction, our favorite songs, our song, internet friends meeting, and the random videos that we send to each other cause we think they are funny. I'm soo excited for this summer when we can meet for the first time. We are going to have our first hug, our first sleepover, our first Shopping trip, and I can finally show you around where I grew up. We can finally fangirl together, which I'm very excited for. We are going to take so many pictures together and post them all over Twitter and Instagram. This summer will be the best summer ever and I'm so lucky I can meet you. I'm so so glad we started talking because I know we are going to be friends forever and I'm so grateful for being able to meet you. Counting down the days till July. We took a chonce at being friends and it all worked out.
- Hannah

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