Chapter 16: Text and Phone Calls

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Louis' POV

Yesterday Hannah got a text from the unknown person again. This is really stressing Niall and I out because this person is putting Hannah down.

We really need to find out who is texting her and why, I really want to find out who this little shit is and beat his ass for hurting my little sister.

No one should harm any of my sisters. I know that's sounds a little protective but I told my mum I will always protect them and be a good brother to them.

So far I'm not doing a good job. Hannah was in the kitchen eating lunch that she made. She decided that Kayle is always the one to cook she thought it would only be fair if she cooked for once. Hannah made grilled cheese which was fantastic. I love it when my sisters cook, they make really good food.

I walked into the kitchen to find Kayle, Harry and Hannah deep in a conversation about something. I'm not too interested in what they are talking about. I grabbed another grilled cheese and walked out the kitchen finding a spot on the couch next to Liam, he seemed like he was in a whole new world.

The TV wasn't on and he was just staring off into the distance or whatever. He is probably thinking about Kayle, that's all he ever thinks or talks about lately it gets kinda annoying. Niall had to go somewhere for a few days but he will be back in a day or two. I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I pulled it out, I got a text from Mia, the girl I have a crush on.

Mia: Hey Lou, we haven't talked in awhile so I decided to text you. What have you been up to?

Me: I'm actually trying to help my sister with something major. Wbu?

Mia: You know the usual fighting with my parents.

Mia and her parents don't get along too well. I feel bad for her because her parents never really did care about her. She wants to leave but her parents kinda in a way force her to stay for some reason. I don't know and it's really none of my business. I don't really think to want to be with Mia anymore because she holds a lot of drama and we already have enough drama, way too much drama.

Me: Can we meet somewhere to talk tonight

Mia: Yes, is everything okay

Me: Yes and no can we just meet
Mia: Course

Me: Where should we meet?

Mia: Starbucks

Me: See you at 6

Mia: Perfect

Oh god, I just don't want to hurt her but I can't be with her. I don't really like hurting girls feelings because it's wrong.

I know the fans kinda see me as a badass but I just really want them to know that I will always protect them and my family no matter what. I do have feelings to just like every other human being.

Hannah's POV

I'm still shocked that Niall told me he loves me last night. I need to call Emily later but right now I need sleep.

"Princess, why are you up?" Niall says in his sexy morning voice.

"Couldn't sleep." I said.

"Come here." Niall says pulling me closer. I love it when Niall and I have these moments together. I love it when nobody's around to disturb us. He started humming in my ear making me fall asleep to his voice again.

I woke up smiling, it was just a dream, I sometimes have dreams about Niall. Most of the time I will have a dreams about my family and Jake, I know we broke up and he is my past but it still hurts to think about him.

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