Chapter 28: Visitors

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Chapter 28: Visitors

Hannah's POV

Here's to another horrible day home alone in my room. I wish someone would knock on my door and ask me to hang out with them.

I feel like no one cares about me anymore. Niall didn't text or call me today, but I think he was busy, in plus it was only one day. I need something to eat, I haven't eaten all day today, matter a fact I haven't eaten in a few days now. I don't want to eat, no one would care or notice at all, Kayle and Emily don't talk to me anymore so why would they care what I do?

Kat and I were supposed to hang out, but she called me and said something came up. There's a knock at the door, but I don't hear anyone get up so I go answer the door. I stood up and got a wave of dizziness, oh well I thought to myself.

I slowly walk downstairs and head to the door. I open it and see Maura and Denise, I was not expecting them. This is such a surprise.

"Hello." I say slowly as I start to get dizzer.

"Hannah, are you feeling okay?" Maura asks and that's when everything turns black.

Denise's POV

The minute Hannah opened the door you could tell something was wrong. She was pale and very thin, plus she was rocking as if she were dizzy. Then she passed out.

"I'm calling Niall right now, but I'm going to see if Emily and Kayle are here." Maura says running up stairs.

I get Hannah onto the couch and run and grab a cold towel. Emily comes running down the stairs shouting.

"WHAT HAPPENED!" Emily panicked.

"I don't know we came in and boom she blacked out." I say in a panick way.

"Niall's on next flight, he should be home in like 4 hours. But he said to call the tour doctor, he's in London for some reason." Maura said. We call the tour doctor and he's here within minutes.

When he gets here, he looks at her and checks her blood pressure and temperature to see what is wrong. After a few minutes he stops looking at her.

"She's very dehydrated and she looks like she hasn't eaten in a few days. I'm going to call for an ambulance so we can go to the hospital, then we can get an IV and test why she hasn't woken yet." Doctor Prince said.

We arrive at the hospital shortly after the ambulance came. Dr. Prince made us wait in the waiting room until he finished running the tests.

A few hours later Dr. Prince finally came out of her room and that's when I get a text from Niall saying they just landed and are on their way to meet us.

Niall's POV

I never expected to get that call while I was on tour. I should've noticed that something bad was gonna happen. When I get to her room she looks very pale and thin. " Oh baby why" I thought to myself. I sit in the chair next to her while my mum is on the couch a few feet away. " Mum, what happened" I ask putting my hand on my head. " We knocked on the door and it took a while for someone to answer and that was Hannah and she said hello then blacked out" My mum said walking over to me. " I should have noticed, I should have forced management to let her join the tour with us" I cried into my mum's shoulder. " Baby this is not your fault it's no one's, she will be fine" my mum said as the doctor walked in. " Niall, how are you" Doctor Prince asked. I let go of my mum and wiped away my tears. " Just tell me what's wrong with her" I say looking at Hannah. " Well, Niall this is serious she hasn't been eating and she was very dehydrated so we put her on an IV to get fluids back in her and she's still unconscious but she should wake up any time now, when she does don't stress her out too much and come get me or hit the nurses button" Doctor Prince says before leaving. The boys soon come into the room but Emily and Kayle still haven't. " Niall, I have something to tell you" Louis said look at me with concern. " What is it" I say not looking up. " Apparently Hannah has been locked in her room and not been leaving it" Louis says putting his hand on my back. " What, when we were on Skype several times she was in the living room and kitchen" I say standing with anger. " Emily and Kayle both told me that she hasn't been leaving her room lately." Louis said starting to realize what's happening.

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