Chapter 12: We're here for you

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Chapter 12: We're here for you

Hannah's POV

Niall helped me take a shower again which I'm thankful for. Once we were done getting a shower we quickly got dressed and went downstairs to join the others. "Em and Haz are still asleep?" I asked after I grabbed a French toast that someone made.

"No she went on a date with Harry today. They went public with their relationship." Kayle explained to me. I nodded my head. I hope she gonna be alright, Kayle told me how horrible the fans were to her for a little but then they got use to her being and they kinda stopped.

"Can we wait to go public, I don't want to start getting hate right now." I whispered in Niall's ear. He respond by saying, "okay." I'd rather wait like a month or so to tell the fans about us. In plus I got those text from the mystery person. I want to wait until we find out who this person is before we go public.

"What are we doing today?" Perrie asked looking at Zayn. We haven't been out much but i'd rather wait until I heal up.

"We need some more food." Louis pointed out.

"Okay Kayle and I will go grocery shopping." I said and Niall looked at me. "You two aren't going alone, I'm coming with you." Niall quickly said before anyone else volunteered. I rolled my eyes. After everyone finished eating Kayle, Niall and I went to the store. I made a whole list of things that we would need.

"Okay Kayle you get the frozen foods and Niall and I will get the other stuff." I said handing her the list of frozen food.

"First we need to get," I trailed off looking at the list.

"Oreo's!" Niall blurted out.

"No, we are gonna get flour." I said and Niall pushed me to that section. Since I can't walk that much Niall said I had to be in a wheelchair. We got the flour then we went to get some drinks from the drink aisle after that we went to get, cereal, hamburger helping stuff, spaghetti noodles, etc.

Finally since Niall kept begging me I told him to bring me to the snack food aisle and we got five boxes of Oreo's, we also got some candy too. After we met up with Kayle and paid for the stuff we went back home. Niall carried me in the house and then proceeded to carry the groceries in as my phone buzzes.

Unknown: How unfortunate the the accident didn't kill you. Nobody wants to see your ugly self everyday it just ruins it.

"Niall." I said getting his attention.

"What is it babe?" Niall asked and I showed him the text.

"Oh babe, you're gorgeous please don't believe anything they say." He said kissing my forehead.

"Why is someone doing this to me?" I asked starting to tear up.

"I don't know but we will find out, please don't believe this." He said wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"I won't." I said sniffing.

"We do need to tell your brother that you got another text." Niall said. I don't really want Louis to know but they know about this now and I have to tell them when I get another text.

" Yeah, can you bring him in here." I ask.

"Of course." Niall said before kissing my head again. A few minutes later my sexy leprechaun and my brother walk back into the room.

"What's up Hannah?" Louis asked sitting down next to me with Niall on the other side of me.

"Well, I got another text." I said. His smile fell from his face and he got serious.

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