Chapter 25: Working through things

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Chapter 25: Working through things

Niall's POV

The boys and I had to go to the studio early in the morning for rehearsals. I noticed one of us were missing, Zayn.

Why isn't he here? Did I miss something?

I mean I know Zayn is usually late to rehearsals but, we have been rehearsing for a few hours here.

If he was sick he would've called on of us.

The boys even started to notice he wasn't here either. Liam went to go talk to Uncle Si about this, I know he had to know why Zayn isn't here. I mean he has been really distant lately but I don't know why.

Zayn is like a brother and not having him here is weird. It's like missing a family member.

The boys and I stopped what we were doing and waited for Liam to return.

It was silent, no one spoke, no one even made contact with each other and I think we all know why but we just don't want to face it because it might not be true.

Soon a very sad looking Liam walked in the room. All of our faces fell when we saw a sad look on Liam's face.

"Zayn left the band." Liam said sitting down on one of the couches that we have in the rehearsal room.

"I had a feeling this was coming. Why didn't he talk to us about it before he did it?" Harry asked coming out of his thoughts.

"You he likes to keep to himself, he probably didn't want us to stop or help him with this." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

We are gonna have to work through this, we can't just sit around being depressed.I start to pace the room.

"Niall cut it out." Liam said.

"I can't, this just puts a lot of stress on us all." I pointed out. I know we need to be thinking positively and try not to stress but I can't help it.

Liam's POV

When Uncle Si told me the news I almost lost it. I should've seen this coming, I mean Zayn has been so distant from us lately.

The most heartbreaking thing is that now I have to go break the news to the other boys.

I walk back to the room and broke the news trying not to cry. The looks on the boys faces, especially Niall's pained me.

Niall and Zayn were close just like Zayn was to the rest of us but Niall mostly hung out with Zayn.

Seeing our brother left us hurts, a lot.

Poor Niall is pacing and you can tell he is stressed.

"Niall cut it out." I say as he continues to pace.

"I can't, this just puts a lot of stress on us all." He pointed out. Niall is right but, we need to think about the positive things.

Zayn wanted this and he doesn't want us to be sad about it. He wants us to be happy that he is happy because he wanted to leave, for a while. I know that because I saw it every time in his eyes when something happened in the band, like rumors.

I look up to see Niall still pacing and running his hand through his hair. I pull him into a hug as he cries and I motion for the other boys to join.

"Simon said we can have the rest of the day off so let's go home." I say guiding Niall to our car.

Hannah's POV

I woke up after Niall left this morning with a note on his pillow.

I was sitting in the living room with Kayle watching Say Yes To The Dress. I hear the door open, the boys shouldn't be home they have rehearsals, why are they here? I get up and walk to the door to see Niall with tears streaming down his face.

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