Friends Take Care Of Friends

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My finger intertwined nervously, and I began to feel my stomach do small somersaults. He was one of the Kings ... and I have been bashing them while talking to him. With wide eyes, I gave a sheepish smile before realizing my whole world was crashing down in front of my eyes. Never did I believe Rosia when she said they have an influence in my life, until I stared one of the King’s in the eye. “I-I ... am sorry,” I muttered and then looked away from him. What if he makes my life hell? What if he -- what if -- my own mind couldn’t fathom all the things Daniel could do to me with his power and authority over others.

I knew then in there that he was going to seek revenge on me for talking bad about him and the other Princes.

“Chill, Skyla. I am not going to reign on you. I get it, you don’t like us Princes but it is only because you haven’t gotten to know us. But don’t worry, when you do get to know us, you will most definitely ove us. We are fun, down-to-earth guys.”

I shook my head at the mere idea of getting to know Daniel and his two friends. “I don’t think ... that is such a good idea.”

“You do realize that you just turned down an offer to become friends with three very wealth, sexy and smart guys, right?” Daniel jokingly stated as he gave my right side a nudge with his elbow.

Looking over at him, slowly, I started to wonder if everyone saw this side of Daniel. I knew out of the three he was the nerdy one, and admittedly, I expected him to have glasses and a book at hand. But, that is stereotyping a group of people that I even fall under ... hypocrite, I thought to myself. “I’m not a good friend,” I blurted out before thinking about what was spilling out of my mouth.

Daniel arched an eyebrow at me. “What do you mean?” He asked with a questioning look planted on his face.

My mind mentally flung curse words at myself for saying that. I was in no way, shape or form wanting to tell him about how I’m not a good friend because I will in a short time disappear. No thanks to Jack. “Nothing...”

“It had to mean something, you said it.”

“Daniel, please, just drop it.”

Giving me a curious look, Daniel sighed. “Okay, fine. Tell me about yourself. Have a boyfriend?”

My hands relaxed, but my shoulder sat up straight and stiff. I was on edge and not really sure how to reply to his question. Technically, I don’t have a boyfriend, but a freaking possessive fiancée. However, I wasn’t willing to tell Daniel anything about Jack, so my answer all but rolled out of my mouth. “No.”

“No boyfriend?” Daniel said as if he didn’t believe me.

I shook my head. “Boyfriend free. I don’t date.”

As if he was still in a state of confusion, Daniel looked away from me. “Hmmm,” he moaned.

“What is it?” I asked as I wondered why he was acting the way he was acting.

“Oh, nothing. So, how long have you lived with your aunt?” He asked as his old self shined through and the puzzlement expression disappeared.

“Ummm, about a year and half ... wait, wasn’t it my turn to ask a question?” I inquired as I sunk back into my seat.

“Oh, so it was. Ask away.”

“Name one thing you hate about being a Prince.”

Daniel shagged in his seat and I could see the wheels turning in his eyes. “Ummm, I don’t like how people use you. They say they're your friends, they love you, they want you but they really don’t. Being a prince comes with having to be able to read people’s expression. If you can’t do that then you will be lied to every second of every hour.”

“Wow, that is ... sad,” I replied as I thought about being lied to by everyone. “Must be hard to have true friends,” I muttered.

“Yeah, that is why Dean, Sebastian and I are pretty close. We have no reason to lie to one another. Plus, it is like an unsaid rule in our tight circle, no lying or cheating each other within the group. However, Dean cheats all the time in cards,” Daniel stated with a loose smile on his face.

I gave a small chuckle, “well, at least you have a close-knit group of friends.”

“Yeah... So, Skyla, why did you move to your aunt’s house?”

Closing my eyes for a mere second longer than normal, I inhaled. “A story I wish not to share.”


Opening my eyes, I exhaled. “Too many bad memories.”

 Daniel looked at me with a spiritless look. “Did your parents ... did they hurt you?”

Glancing at the boy before me, I didn’t really know how to reply. My parents didn’t hurt me, that often. Of course there would be the occasional night that they would stumble in the house, drunk or high -- maybe even a combination of both -- and become violent towards me. The only main problem I had with them was they didn’t support me financially and mentally. “That is not the reason I left them,” I truthfully spoke.

Daniel shifted once more in his seat, but this time he did so to face me. “So, you are not denying they hurt you,” he stated with angry swirling in his eyes.

I looked away from him as I could practically feel the anger rolling off him. “Daniel, calm down. It is nothing to get your panties in a twist about. I don’t live with them anymore.”

“So, they don’t bother you?”

“They don’t,” but Jack does.

“Good, hate to have a hit sent out for them,” Daniel replied as he leaned back in his chair.

Gazing back over at him, I went wide-eyed once more. “A hit?”

“Perks of being a prince, you can get people killed without even blinking,” Daniel told me in a nonchalant tone of voice.

“Perk? You call that a perk? You just said you would kill my parents if they were still hurting me,” I hissed in a low tone.

Daniel shrugged his shoulders. “You’re my friend, now, whether you like it or not. Someone hurts you, I will deal with them.” Closing his eyelids, Daniel gave a yawn. “I’m gonna taking a cat nap. Wake me up with the flight ends.”

I didn’t respond as I started to wonder if Daniel was my answer for finally getting rid of Jack. Finally figuring he was, I opened my mouth, “hey-” I stopped when Daniel released a loud snore.

Sinking more into the blue plush seat, I thought that I just ruined my chance because when the plane lands, my courage to tell Daniel would without a doubt be gone.



Decided to post a day early! (: 

From now on, updates should be everyday. Minus Sundays and I might have a day or so I won't update but updates should be fast. Be prepared! Muhahaha!

Hope you liked it! 

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