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Saw that pix over the internet. CTTO.

Thanks to those who are curious enough to read. :)


I sense the sun's brightness through my closed eyelids. Morning time, my sleepy mind assumes. I stirred a bit letting my feet slide slowly over my sheets, brushing my skin against the smoothness and coolness of the fabric. Hmmmm...  Today's a Saturday.  It's a I-do-whatever-I-please day. Sleeping longer than usual is my first agenda, with One Direction still present in the recesses of my mind.  I'm so engrossed with thoughts of them boys that I did not notice that my bedroom TV is on.  I must have forgotten to switch it off last night.  My oh so sweet thoughts are interrupted when felt a shift of weight on the other side of my bed and I realize that someone is on my bed, watching TV! 

Three possibilities - one, a stranger broke in and is now has the gal to lay down with me, on my bed!  Two, my twin brother Allen who is studying in Oz is suddenly here for a visit.  Or three, it's just Josh.  Allen and Josh are the only people who has the keys and combination to my apartment. 

Without even looking, I'm pretty sure it is Josh.  He is the only one who likes showing up unannounced.  Other than an intruder, of course. "Josh! It's too fuckin early! What are you even doing here?" I groaned under my pillow.

"Good morning to you, too, Sunshine!" patting my shoulder as he continued watching TV.   "For the record, by the way, It is no longer EARLY. It is way past 10 am. Very unlikely for you not to be up by now."  Yes, I am an early riser.  I am usually awake by 6 am.  " Are you sick, baby?"  He places his hand over my forehead.

"Baby?" I turned to glare at him then I went back to lying on my side.  Why is he calling me baby?

Josh is my best friend. We met in senior high. Fate would have it that we became lab partners in AP Chem.  Our love for balancing chemical equations and test tubes bonded us initially.  We did homework together.  He was a Science genius while I liked Math more than the usual person.  "Doing homework" meant studying in between TV commercials while eating snacks.  We loved talking about anything under the sun and we like debating about everything.  We see each other at school, spend time together after school and talk over the phone before we sleep.  My boyfriend then did not like that, and him for that matter.  Same with his girlfriend.  But that did not stop us from staying close friends.  We always say we liked it that we were close, but not that close.

We share our fascination for certain genres of music, especially old school rock music. We often burst out into random songs during conversations, like when we hear a certain word and immediately relate it to a lyric. Our friends found that really weird. Like we care anyway? We just laugh it out. Or snort. Which we somehow do when we laugh out loud.

Our relationship has been purely platonic.  We were both in a different romantic relationship till circumstances changed it towards the summer before college.  I caught my boyfriend cheating and Josh's childhood sweetheart left him for another sweetheart. Apparently she decided to play for the other team. 

What's that saying? Misery loves company. We wasted away summer days eating anything that is fattening. In between endless seasons of Cold Case, CSI and Criminal Minds, we plotted how to torture our exes and how we can get away with it. It was actually one of the funnest "adventures" we had. The pain strangely shared bonded us further. 

We got accepted to the same University but we pursued different careers. He went on to become a Chemical Engineer while I pursued Computer Science. College work consumed us and we lived separate lives. He had his own circle of friends and I had mine.  We spent less time together but we stayed in touch.

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