Dear Harry, Louis, Niall, and Liam

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This is not an update. I wrote this for our boys. I just realized XFactor will be their last performance together and that kinda slashes my heart.

By the way, massive thanks to everyone who took time to read, vote, and comment on my work. :) I can't tell you enough how this makes me freaking happy!!! x


Your last performance together as a boyband is looming in the horizon. Nothing brings more pain to your fans, like me, than to know that there might be a possiblity that the hiatus you are taking will make you realize that One Direction is something that has to be put to rest. Just lke the Iconic tv shows like Friends, it will just be immortalized through syndicated shows that goes on repeat till forever. Till there's fans who want to relive the "golden" moments of 1D.

In all its cheesiness, I would just like to tell you that IT'S OK. It might not be OK initially for us, but it will be. I could safely say that a true fan will understand whatever you reason may be. Personally, I feel that you've outgrown the 1D formula. It pains me to know that you guys have been restricted, pounded, and forced to act and be someone who fits the ideals of 1Ds market. While all of it may have been true for you in the beginning, I doubt that you still feel the same way 5 years after you've been doing things according to a certain formula. You are all artists, and true artists cannot be restricted in so many ways. Your creativity cannot be canned and modified a certain way. Not for a long time, and it has been.

The break will give you time to reflect and assess what you really want for your future. I hope you find your true passion and really go for it! You are now at a position where you can practically do anything that you want, creatively as artists. Use this opportunity well. More than anything else, I feel strongly that you guys can individually be great in your own fucking way. It may not be as a boy band anymore, or even not as a singer, but you are all creative and talented af! Find that and do that! Your true fans will support you, regardless.

Rest. Go back to your families and friends. The friends you had before you became famous. Live offline for awhile. Do crazy stupid stuffs! Make your young life memorable, normal, as Zayn has said. You've been under the microscope for 5 years! Live a life outside the prying eyes of eveyone who feels they own you and you owe them explanation for every fuckin step you take. After all of these, breathe! Then go back and pursue your passion. Your true passion.

Not everyone is given the opportunity to pursue what they really want without considering their financial statuses. A lot of us are forced to go and make life work for us so that we can meet the basic needs of our own existence. Sometimes, whatever passion we have are sidetracked because we need to survive day to day living first. But you guys, the world is literally at the palm of your hands. I pray that you use this well.

So go on, take a break. Whatever you would decide on for the future, I hope you think of YOURSELF first. What do you want to do, and just fucking pursue that. When you pursue your passion, you can never go wrong. For afterall, we only live ONE life. One chance.

Thank you for all the love! Thank you, One Direction. You've given us soooo much. Now it's time we give you back your lives. Now is the time for you to go to the direction where your heart points you to.

Forever and a day. That is how long I will have you - Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn - in my heart.


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