Sunshine Songs and Piano

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NICO hated Will's singing. He sounded like a dying satyr with a baby hydra crying along with him. Don't ever ask Nico how he knows what that sounds like. He tends to avoid you once you know about that.

But anyway, you could imagine Nico's reaction when he heard that Will was participating in this years song contest.

"You what?"

"I know, I suck, but you love me anyway, right?"

You probably have no idea how it feels when your crush, who is straight, asks you if you love them. It tortured Nico to the end of oblivion, dragging him over the edge, hanging for his life, no one to help.

"You know I hate you, Solace."

"Suuuure, babe, keep telling yourself that."

"Shut up."

Nico walked away to where Lou Ellen had been gesturing for him to come for the last ten minutes.

"Finally!" she said, obviously annoyed.

"Sorry, I was--"

"Flirting with Will?"


"Nothing. Would you braid my hair?"


"'Cause I want it braided."


Nico walked behind her and they both sat on the Hecate cabin steps. He separated her hair into three sections and began weaving like a child of Athena.

"Can you be my pianist for the contest?"

He fumbled with her hair for a moment before regaining his composure.

"I don't know piano."

"I did some digging. You're mum played for a living, and according to Westover Hall, you were no slouch in singing or piano."

"... I hate you."

"Yes, you do. But please, help a sister out. I'm trying to impress a guy."

"Really? Who?"

"... Will," she said slowly. Nico pulled out his knife and silently cut off a section of her turquoise hair. Lou Ellen didn't seem to notice.

"Please! The only other pianist available is Kayla, and you know how much I hate her!"


"Your rep? Again?"

"I said sorry. I'm not entering the contest in any way, shape, or form."

"Ugh. Kayla it is then."

She pulled her hair away from Nico and walked off.

The day of the contest began with an excited atmosphere. Everyone was jumping about, so excited. Nico was not happy. Not that he was upset, just not really happy. Nonchalant? Indifferent? He could not find the right word to describe what he was feeling. Or rather, the absence of emotions.

First on the stage were the Stoll brothers. Together they sang "Better in Stereo", which seemed rather cliché to Nico. Next was the seven singing "How Far We've Come" by Matchbox 20. If they didn't have Piper, everyone ears would be bleeding. Drew Tanaka sang "Cool Kids" and at the end, added the comment "Story of my life!"

Lou Ellen sang "Carnival" in a perfect match to the melancholy voice of Natalie  Merchant. Next up was Isabella Miss, a daughter of one of the Muses, singing "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield perfectly.

Solace Through Darkness (Solangelo One-shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora