Sunset Songs and Dubstep

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Lou Ellen sat next to me on the big house porch. "Wazzup?"
"Will just made me sing and then walled off."
She looked suspicious. "Is he wearing a purple hoodie?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Nico, he recorded it."
"Wait... WHAT?"
"He borrowed it from Leo. There's a bunch of words taping noise on the inside. It was supposed to be an replacement for cell phones, with even a tracker, but it's more stalkerish than anything else."
My body shook with anger. Lou noticed my reaction and quickly said, "But Jason can make any electrical device go berserk. I'll go get him."
A few minutes later, Will came back, looking rather ticked.
"So, now I have to kiss Drew for NO REASON?"
I tilted my chin up. "Is that a problem?"
Will glared at me. Hard. He grabbed me by my collar and growled.
"Rachel's place, five minutes. Be there, or I'm not doing it."
Then he walled off.
"So, what is it?" I asked Will. We stood outside of Rachel's cave, which was decorated with purple curtains on the outside.
"Come in," he grumbled and dragged my sleeve. And I'm the grumpy one?
The whole place was amazing. She had painted pretty much everything on the wall's. The floor was decorated with paint splatter, in all colours. In the back, though, there was a sound recording studio.
Will dragged me in the recording booth.
"You're going to sing. You know the song, trust me. Afterwards, it's going on YouTube as a cover. I won't intenionally tell anyone it exists. Got it?"
"I love it when you are all authorative like that. Okay."
He was right. I knew the song.

"I'm better, so much better now
Look to the skies
Give me life
We're together now..."

I looked at Will as I sang. He eyes were closed, mouthing the words. He swooned. I smiled.

"We've only just begun
Hypnotized by drums
Until forever comes
You'll find us chasing the sun

They said this day wouldn't come
We refused to run
We've only just begun
You'll find us chasing the sun."

I let the music play the "oh-oh-oh" part.

"When the daylight's fading
We're gonna play in the dark
Till it's golden again

And now it feels so amazing
Can't see you coming
And we'll never grow old again
You'll find us chasing the sun."

After a little, the song was over. Will didn't say a word. He messed with a computer a bit, took off his headphones, and walked over to me.
He pressed his lips against mine. At first it was sweet, then deeper. There might of been tongue, but I didn't care. All that mattered was Will was with me.
His fingers ran through my hair. My hands found their way up his shirt onto his bare back. I traced circles on his Angel bones and he inhaled sharply.
Will pushed me against the wall so my butt was touching a picture of the Statue of Liberty. I tried to get off the wall, and in doing so, deepened the kids even more.
"Oh, gods," Will panted.
He broke the kiss and started biting my neck. I took a deep breath and stiffened.
"Relax... Nico...." Will said quietly.
"It's not still recording is it?"
My hands traveled all the way down his back and tugged on his belt.
Will got off of me quick.
"Hi, Cecil," I laughed nervously.
"You guys... Were about to..."
"No," I said.
"Until you ruined it," Will grumbled.
"Well, then... Bye..."
He left an aura of awkwaed in the room.
"Err- So, you still have to kiss Drew."
Will groaned. "Don't remind me."
I smiled and put my hands back on his jeans. "Tomorrow. Until then..."

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