Left to live for

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"You see," Will said calmly, lying on his deathbed, "this is what happens when someone doesn't use sunscreen."

Nico clutched his hand tightly. "You're going to be fine. Your in good hands."

"Nico, my younger brother doesn't count as 'good hands'."

Lester glared at him before returning to hook up medication.

"Nico," Will said. "Do you think I'm going to Elysium?"

"NO, Will!"

"Gee, thanks for making me feel better."

"NO, Will, you're not going to die, you're not going to die, you're not going to die."

"Why not?" Will's face looked so innocent, like a child's.

"Because, if you die..." Nico trailed off. Tears streamed down his face.

"What? Nico, what?"

"If you die, I won't get a chance to propose, or love. If you die, I won't have a shoulder to cry on."

Will stared at him a few seconds, then faced the ceiling. "Promise that if by a miracle I die, you won't kill yourself."

Nico's tear-filled eyes widened. "No! I wont promise that! Because if you die... I'll have nothing left to live for."

"Aw, that's so sweet," Will said. "Now get real. You have to be the Hades Cain counselor, else new kids wouldn't know what to do. Mrs. O'Leary gets her food from somewhere, even if you deny it. You have Hazel and Reyna, who maybe would live on with out you, but I'm sure you'd get even Reyna to weep. You have to guide Lou Ellen and Cecil, because they might try to kill themselves. Jason's always going to need you, because he's a total cry baby."

Nico laughed without humor.

"The point is, you've got a lot more to live for than you think."

"But so do you! You've got your brothers and sisters, and anyone in need of medical care, and your mother and family down in Georgia! If you go to Elysium, which I'm sure you will, you won't get to see them. Lou Ellen and Cecil depend on you way more than me! Not to mention... you have me. Don't die."

"Nico," Will gazed into his eyes. Will's eyes were bloodshot, his skin a fiery orange. "Live for me. Promise me. I don't want you to visit me in the Underworld. I want you to live your life the way it's meant to be. Do it for me. Promise me I won't see again."

Nico ran a finger over his skin-cancered face. "I'll... live for you. I promise."

"Good. Nico, I love you. Until next time."

"No Will, you're not allowed to say good-bye! Not--"

And yet, it was too late. 

"At least let me finish," Nico sobbed.

A/N: *hides behind book* I'm sorry! don't throw things at me plz! 

*cries* I just wanted Will to die of skin cancer because Nico didn't see it as a serious problem! (go back to the first chapter)

I'm sorry I'm horrible at writing deaths, but oh, well.

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