I regret nothing

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It was a prank. The most weirdly romantic things start from a prank. 

The Stolls had to cooperate with Lou Ellen to get the mist they needed for this particular joke. In exchange, they offered her their brother, Cecil.

She pretended to consider it before saying, "If I do this for you, swear on Styx that you won't prank cabin 20 for the entire year."

"Deal!" Connor said. There was 22 days until said next year. Plenty of time for planning...

"Okay," Travis said, "here's the plan..."


When Will woke up, he knew something was up. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something was up. For one, he felt crabby. Will was never crabby. Bright sunshine, every time, all the time. Another thing, his head felt heavy. The clothes he was wearing weren't the ones he fell asleep in, either. Something was definitely up. 

He slouched up in bed. Guess what? His siblings were already awake! No way! Will ALWAYS woke up first.

A bunch of his siblings looked at him and snicked. He wondered what was wrong.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" he asked and got off of his bottom bunk.

"No reason," Kayla said, grinning. She was holding a cup of coffee, which almost sloshed out of her cup.

Will yawned. Another thing. He didn't yawn. 

"Oh, yeah," Austin said. "The mirror in the bathroom cracked in the iddle of the night, so we took it down."

Will blinked, then squinted his eyes. "How come I didn't hear anything?"

Everyone shrugged, smiling. Will was getting really ticked at this point. 

"What is it? What's so funny, guys?"

Tobias scratched his ear, "Will, look down."

He did and nearly screamed. Strike that. She did scream.

William Solace was a girl.

"B-but wha..." she looked up, back down at herself, then up again.

"We don't know. We woke up and you were like that."

She looked down again. She was wearing a loose tank-top and shorty-short, but in pj form... if you can imagine that. 


"We. don't. KNOW!," Kayla sighed. " You'll live."

Will did. He looked into his trunk, and was surprised to find that it had completely re-equiped itself with southern sterotypical outfits. She cahanged and put on a hat, embracing the cow-girl theme. She could deal with it.

(It kinda looked like this:




As it turned out, Will was not the only genderbent counselor. All of them had been pranked. 

Will kept her head down while she went to get eggs, but she was still recognized. 

Someone shouted, "Hey, Will, lookin' good!"

This resulted in Will being laughed at, getting her eggs and running back to her seat. 

Solace Through Darkness (Solangelo One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now