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He's such a freaking dork.

Nico stared down at the crumpled up paper in his shaking hands, wondering of Will was serious. Was this a prank? A dare?

The paper had only a few words on it, but it was enough to send Nico's head in a downwards spiral.

October fest this weekend?


Nico, exasperated, looked up at Will, on other side of the room. He was blushing intensely, one finger in his mouth. He was obviously avoiding eye contact, as he, for once in his life, was staring at the teacher with absolute attention.

Nico's eyes drifted to Jason, viciously taking down notes next to him.

"Pssst," he whispered. Jason did not look up from his notes. He continued glancing at the board from under his glasses. Nico nudged him. "PSSSST!"

Jason, startled at this point, looked up at him. "What is it?"

"Has Will said anything about me to you?" Nico interrogated.

"No," Jason denied, quiet so the teacher won't hear. "We're not that close. Why?"

"He gave me a note." Nico looked down at the empty notebook page in his lap. 

"Oh, really?" Jason smiled, bumping Nico with his shoulder. "What did it say?"

"He arsked mmhm hout," Nico mumbled, hoping Jason would take the hint and not press him for answers.

"What?" Jason scrunched up his nose and leaned against table, confused.

"He asked me out," Nico said, avoiding eye contact with his arms against the tabletop, "okay?"

Jason gasped dramatically. "He what?"

"To Oktoberfest," Nico added.

"Well?" Jason said breathlessly. "What are you going to say?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure of it's a joke or a dare or something like that."

"I'll have Piper go up to him to see if he's gay," Jason said. "No straight guy could resist her."

"Well, someone has a whole lot of faith in his significant other," Nico grumbled, slightly jealous he didn't have anyone who he could brag on the way Jason bragged on Piper, or Leo bragged on Calypso, or how Percy bragged on Annabeth. They were all so freaking adorable together. Nico was adorable enough by himself, but it was a bit lonely.

After school, Operation He-Gay-Or-Nay commenced. Piper walked over to Will, pulling her hair into a ponytail. 

"Hey, Will." Piper batted her eyelashes. 

"Oh, hi Pipes," Will responded good naturedly. "What's up?"
"Nothing irrationally important," she replied. "Just... wanted to tell you you look really good today."

Will perked up significantly. "You really think so?" he smiled, blushing bashfully, as he looked to the ground. Nico's heart began to sink. Well, what had he expected? Will didn't act gay, and it might have been taken as an insult if Nico had up-front asked. It was a good thing, Nico told himself. He's no good for you.

"... 'cause I actually asked someone out today."

Nico's eyes flew back up towards him. Was he serious...? Did he really mean...?

"Oh," Piper went along with it, giggling. "Really? Was it me and I just didn't get the memo?"

 Nico had to congratulate her as an actress, but still resisted the urge to walk up to her, punch her, and say "Off my man, cagna."  

Will, on the other hand, paled in his otherwise tanned face. "Uh, sorry, Piper, but I have my sights set on someone else."

Nico's heart sped up. Jason, concerned by the emotion Nico's face had just taken, glanced at him to make sure he wouldn't pass out or something like that. 

"Oh, Willy," Piper leaned down to show off her cleavage, "don't you think I'm pretty?"

"Yeah, Piper, of course, but I think... Well, he's just plain beautiful," Will gazed into the distance in reverie.

"He?" Piper asked.

"Yeah. I'm still waiting for a response from him."

"Just to clarify," Piper regained her posture, crawling out of the pit of dispair that thesbians called character, "you mean Nico, right?"

"Yeah." Will was still staring into space, lost in his daydream.

"He says yes," Piper said quickly.

"Wait, what?" Nico and Will asked simultaneously, then noticed each other, hawking for a few seconds, before they made some kind of temperary alliance against Piper McLean.

"Piper," Nico slugged out his words as if talking to a five-year-old, "I said to find out if he was kidding or not. I don't recall saying I accepted his invitation!"

"Oops," Piper giggled, playing dumb. "Sorry."

"You jerk," Will walked up to her and flicked her forehead. "You gave me false hope."

"Now that that's settled," Jason broke into the conversation, "are you two going to Oktoberfest together or not?"

"No," Nico replied apace.

"Wait," Will said, turning to face Nico, "why not?"

"Saturday is Hazel and my day together, and Sunday I'm vollenteering at this church until six."

"Oh." Will looked positively crestfallen. He actually really liked Nico, the kind of crush you only get once in your highschool experience. Now, he was being rejected, and not because Nico didn't like him, but because Nico was a genuinely good person who spent time with his sister and vollenteered to help a community he wasn't even part of. "It's okay. I understand."

Nico panicked. See, the problem was not that Will wasn't the subject of a kind of crush Nico had been denying he had. No, the issue was that he legitimately couldn't do anything that weekend. It was out of his control; he had already made a commitment. Still, he resented seeing Will look so gloomy. Will was the most sunshineish person Nico knew, and him looking this way was more unnatural than a Twinkie.

"Look," Nico walked to Will, taking his hand. A shiver ran down both of the boys' backs. Not like the chills, but the kind of shivers you get when someone gives you a message or traces their fingers over your torso. "Look, Will. Just because I'm busy this weekend doesn't mean I don't like you. I really do. So, wanna go out sometime?"

A/N: 1000 words. Dang it! I wanted to get back into the swing of things, but I didn't update for more than a month. Freaking more than a month. I'm sorry, guys. I'm still taking song prompts. Also, if you want me to make a sequel to something I've already wrote, to ahead and comment. I'm also thinking about doing an AU with Gore's Klaine. What say you?
Sincerest apologises,

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