... Wrecked...

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The car tipped over onto its side. The young mother screamed as she fell on her head eight feet to her death, splitting her skull open feet away from Will, who had only been thrown roughly half of a foot. Her baby cried. The elderly lady had been sitting on the same side as Will, but the shock had killed her. Headphones-boy was nowhere in sight.

Will's vision was fuzzy. Why would anyone attack a nearly-empty train that held two teenage boys, a young woman, an old lady, and a baby? It made no sense. Will couldn't move. Some rubble lay on top of him, thoroughly debilitating him. After about four minutes, Will saw two pairs of combat boots walking through the ruined train. They spoke a language that Will did not understand.

"L'hai trovato?"

"No, vero?"

"Se l'ho fatto, perché dovrei chiedere?"

"Oh. Beh, meglio. Altrimenti, chissà che cosa può fare? Che sarà lui a continuare a correre, senza cuore la briga fece."

They walked out, but not before Will heard one whisper in English, "What are gonna tell the boss?"

Then Will fell into a deep sleep.


Will opened his eyes carefully. Oh, great. Still in the train. But this time something was different.

"Oh, you're awake."

The voice made Will jump, partly because he didn't expect it, partly because it was just... startling. Harsh.

H sat up, realizing the rubble was off his chest. The rest of the rubble had been cleaned up, too, so it was just a train standing stationary on its side. Next to Will, the baby was sleeping quietly, completely ignoring its dead mother on Will's other side. Over across the... floor? Let' go with that. Across the floor stood Headphones-Boy, back facing Will. When he turned, he looked thoughly ticked.

"Who are you?" Will asked.

"My name is classified. You can call me Shade."

"Well, that's nice."

"Shut up."

"Fine. Will, by the way. Shade. Uncommon name. Was you mother named Ellie James?"


"Fifty Shades of-- never mind."

Shade turned back around.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about."

"Have you been living under a rock since 2011?"

"No, just moving around a lot."

"Okay, Sunshine, whatever you say."

Shade faced Will again, holding a whip that did not help Will get Fifty Shades of Grey out of his head.

"What did you call me?"

"Sunshine. I don't know you real name, so I'm calling you Sunshine instead of Shade. Catchier."

"Whatever," Shade mumbled.

He turned back once again and ruffled through a bag.

"What's going on?" Will asked.

"Train wreck."

"Well, yeah, kind of got that, but how?"

"Moose," Shade lied awfully.


"A herd crashed into the side."

"That is the single worst lie I've ever heard."

"Fine. The girl next to you was targeted by the government."

"Getting better. Question: how many languages do you speak?"

Shade stopped dead in his tracks. Will knew he just hit a nerve cluster.

"What?" Will asked.

No reply. Well, with the exception of a click of a gun. Shade spun around, aiming a pistol at Will's face.

"Who sent you?" his voice was deadly calm, like Will was an ice sculpture that Shade was about to crack.

"No one!" Will scrambled to his feet. "I swear!"

"Tell me!" Shade got both louder and closer.

"Look, I'm a Georgia kid who went to New York to see his dad! I wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"Yeah, right. ID card?"

"One sec," Will began to search his pocket when Shade cut him off.

"Not falling for that. Come here."

He did as told. Shade lowered his gun and sized him up. If he hadn't been holding a gun...

"I guess there's no un-embarrassing way to do this," Shade muttered and dropped his gun and began running his hands over Will's body, giving the later extreme shivers and... and... sensations.

"What are you--"

"Checking for weapons."


Will was interrupted by himself taking a sharp breath when Shade moved to his arms. How the heck would Will react when Shade moved to his legs?

"So..." Will tried to defuse the sexual tension. "Any hobbies?"

Shade looked him in the eyes. Will gulped, holding his willpower (Will power) to push him to the ground, fall on top of him, and see where it went from there. Shade's eyes shone with a dark, intense intelligence, a secret-filled life, empty of compassion, void of emotion, an eternal pit of anger and misery and sorrow and of longing and of― wait, longing? Will went back to check, but Shade had already refocused on feeling every inch of Will's body- Oh, my gods, Will! Stop making everything sound wrong!

"Hobbies?" Shade repeated Will's words. "I'm patting you down and you're, asking about hobbies?"

"Heck, yeah I am, Sunshine. Get used to it."

"Why should I? Once I find a way out, you'll never see me again."

"Oh, yes, I will. I'm not dumb. You aren't gonna move around if I can help it."

"You... can't."

"Yes, I can-"

Will took another breath as Shade moved down his outer legs. Then almost died in his fanboyish way as Shade started moving up the inner part. When Shade reached his upper thighs, Will moaned unintentionally. Shade stopped and looked back up at Will. Uh-oh. This was bad.

But it wasn't. After that one super awkward second, Shade continued, rougher, more deep.

"Oh gods," Will said and squirmed. This was torture. Then Shade stopped. He looked at Will and said, "Looks like you're clean..."

"Right," Will blushed immensely, "Now to find a way off this dam train."

A\N: Hey guys! I was thinking of doing a third part to tie the loose ends. What do you guys think? Leave your thoughts in the comments, please and prompts. See ya!

-Kristen Bursts

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