I Love YouTube

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"Hello Internet. So the other day, I was walking down the street when-- Will! I'm recording!"
Will stopped making lion noises and slid into Nico's room on slippery blue socks. "How come we always end up recording at exactly the same time?"
Nico put his hand over his eyes in an exasperated motion. After a few seconds of questioning why the heck he had asked Will for editing tips in the first place, he looked up at the camera, still rolling.
"This," he said, "is my roommate."
Will slid into the shot. "Hi!"
"I hope you remember him, considering he weasels his way into all of my videos."
"Aww," Will flipped his hand. "You love me. Don't you guys love me?"
"Here's an idea: subscribe if you hate Will!"
"That's cyber-bullying," Will complained.
"Can I subscribe to my own channel?" Nico fiddled with his keyboard.
"You're so mean," Will pouted, sticking his lip out.
"Aww," Nico tilted his head. "I'm sorry."
An awkward moment passed as they stared intently into eachother's eyes. Then Will made more lion noises and pounced on Nico. Nico giggled as Will brushed his lips against the former's throat.
"This isn't live, right?" Will asked raspily.
"No way."
Will sat up. "Edit that out."
Nico smiled.
Nico and Will were maintaining the whole "just friends" thing. To parents, to siblings, to friends, to the Interwebs, and most importantly, themselves. Both had the firm belief that whenever they were intimate, they were solely good friends. They liked their situation, and intended to keep it as long as possible.
Back to the present, Will clapped his hands. "Now, what are we doing today, Nico?"
"Well, I do not know, William. But I recently wanted to get some Nil merch."
"Well, now you can, at our new website!" Will jazzhandsed.
"Yes, we have yet another website with a bunch of mustache merchandise!" Nico joined him.
"Oh," Will looked down. "I'm actually wearing the shirt."
Nico looked at Will's shirt, of which had black ink sprawled across the front:
come from
"Okay," Nico said, "now that we're some advertising, to the actual video. Will, you usually have a totally outlandish idea. What do you think?"
Will stepped over Nico, who was on the floor.
"Existential crisis?" he asked.
Will smirked. "I'll take that as a yes. I found something on Tumblr you might want to see."
"Tumblr is the galaxy-gadget for procrastination. I'm in."
Nico leaned against the wall for support as he kind of shifted around until he was on his galaxy Converse-clad feet.

What is it?" he asked, turning sleepily toward Will.
"More Wilco fan art, unfortunately. Exept this time, it's of something that actually happened."
Nico's orbs (I did that to annoy you) widened. The taste of sawdust filled his mouth. "What did we do?"
"So, remember that time we got reeeeeally drunk on the first American tour?"
Nico huffed. "How could I forget? We both got arrested because I was underage."
"Remember how they put us in a cell handcuffed together and stared getting kinky to annoy them?"
Nico turned a dangerous shade of eggshell white. "Oh, gods, no."
Will smiled with pained eyes.
"We... We'll have another Tumblr tag video! And then we'll purposefully come across it and start screaming 'GOD NO' or something."
Will nodded, raising his eyebrow in a "not that bad" face. "Sounds good, baby."

AN: PhaN ObSeSseD.

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