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I heard my full name being said and turned over on my bed.
"William Urian Solace!"
"Up and autumn! Alzati, già!"
A heard a little giggle. "Just up, Princess."
I sat up quickly, headbutting Nico.
"Ow," he complained.
"Oh, sorry," I apologized.
"It's fine," he smiled. Whoa. Something was up. Nico was acting like... Like me!
Was it our anniversary? Or Valentine's Day?
No, it was April... April seventee--
"Happy birthday, Will," Nico told me. He looked really good, in a baby blue V-neck tee shirt and black jeans, with his hair in a girls' style, a braided half ponytail. His face seemed happy, his lips curled upwards and--
"Are you wearing makeup?" I asked. The lines under his eyes and worry lines completely disappeared.
"Piper," he said in way of explanation. "Umm... D- do you like it?"
I smiled. "Sweetheart, you know I think you always look beautiful."
"Aww," he said. Wow. Piper must have cast a spell to him happy, or something. "Anyway, what do we want to do today?"
"Right now?"
"Right now."
I lifted the covers off my mattress. He looked suspicious but crawled in next to me. "You're warm," I commented.
He snuggled up into my chest. By the gods he was adorable.
A few minutes of bliss later, Nico said, "Nothing?"
"William, I'm offering to do anything you want, and you don't mention... What you've been asking for all year?"
My eyes widened. He was offering to do that?
I could feel him nod.
I took in a deep breath. "Okay. Are you ready?"
"I'm ready," he replied.
We both sat up, proceeding to play Super Smash Bros until 9 PM.

A/N: Needed to write fluff. Sorry for ditching the wedding thing.
Anyway, it's my birthday today so HERE YA GO! I actually think Will's b-day is in June, but whatever.

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